I want to alter a few things re: poll display in a template based on subsilver2. I looked at the Prosilver, and it's much more more complex than what I want to do.
I want to keep the basic format of what is displaying -- which is to say, Left Poll image, stretched center poll image, right poll image.
I did add a condition so that if poll pct = 0 not to display the center or right, as well as changing the template to left-align that cell.
What I would like to do (3 things, actually):
1. I would like to sort by vote count, instead of vote option id. So if there are 3 options and their votes are 2,0,1 respectively, it will display in the order of 1,3,2.
2. I would also like to set a percent value based on comparison to whichever has the most votes; i.e. from pt.1, the numbers would come out 100%, 50%, 0%.
I feel dense today (again
Can someone help me please?
Also: item 3 --
-- in IE7 the center poll image is gaining transparency from left to right (so it's 100% opacity at the left and transparent at the right, gradient).
How can I eliminate that?