Removing config.php from git repository

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Re: Removing config.php from git repository

Post by ToonArmy »

It should have been removed a long time ago imo. Perhaps we can use .gitignore as a stop gap.
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Re: Removing config.php from git repository

Post by igorw »

ToonArmy wrote:Perhaps we can use .gitignore as a stop gap.
As per IRC, that will not work.

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Re: Removing config.php from git repository

Post by Erik Frèrejean »

eviL3 wrote:
ToonArmy wrote:Perhaps we can use .gitignore as a stop gap.
As per IRC, that will not work.
Can you explain this for us that have missed the IRC explanation? I've thought of suggesting ".gitignore" as well but didn't manage to post it yet.
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Re: Removing config.php from git repository

Post by bantu »

Erik Frèrejean wrote:
eviL3 wrote:
ToonArmy wrote:Perhaps we can use .gitignore as a stop gap.
As per IRC, that will not work.
Can you explain this for us that have missed the IRC explanation? I've thought of suggesting ".gitignore" as well but didn't manage to post it yet.
It just doesn't work, it doesn't solve the problems that have been mentioned.
Note that all the gitignore files really concern only files that are not already tracked by git;
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Re: Removing config.php from git repository

Post by naderman »

bantu wrote:
naderman wrote:Well the issue with that is that people are going to make the entire phpBB directory writable so it can create the file rather than making an empty config.php file writable so it can overwrite it.
That doesn't seem to be true. I chmodded the phpBB folder to 777, but the install script keeps telling me "config.php - Cannot find".
Yes the installer would need to be changed.
bantu wrote: I noticed another difference, but that shouldn't be an issue:
When the config.php file is there but empty and you visit phpBB/ you will be redirected to phpBB/install/index.php.

If it's not there you will get the message

Code: Select all

<p>The config.php file could not be found.</p><p><a href="./install/index.php">Click here to install phpBB</a></p>
We should probably make it so it redirects in both cases then.

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Re: Removing config.php from git repository

Post by bantu »

naderman wrote:
bantu wrote:
naderman wrote:Well the issue with that is that people are going to make the entire phpBB directory writable so it can create the file rather than making an empty config.php file writable so it can overwrite it.
That doesn't seem to be true. I chmodded the phpBB folder to 777, but the install script keeps telling me "config.php - Cannot find".
Yes the installer would need to be changed.
Do we want to do that? I mean you'll likely end up with having the phpBB folder world-writable.

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Re: Removing config.php from git repository

Post by igorw »

naderman wrote:We should probably make it so it redirects in both cases then.

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Re: Removing config.php from git repository

Post by ToonArmy »

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