Forum displaying incorrectly in some browsers

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Forum displaying incorrectly in some browsers

Post by MTE-iPhone »

Hi All,

I have been playing about with getting my forum to look like it is part of my website.

After days of messing around I now have it looking just like I want it.

However, thats only in firefox.

In Firefox - It all displays perfectly as it should. Hyperlinks all display correctly.

In Chrome - It has the user control panel row of options missing from under the header and also the hyperlinks in the normal website menu (home/contact etc) dont have the correct formatting

In Safari - It also has the row of options missing, also it displays incorrectly and also has the hyperlinks formatting wrong

I dont know what is causing this issue, and why it is different from browser to browser. Is there anything I can do so that the same settings that work on firefox also work on the other browsers.

The forum is at

Many Thanks

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Re: Forum displaying incorrectly in some browsers

Post by camm15h »


As you have removed the phpBB credit line from the overall_footer in your template, we cannot offer you support - as outlined within the rules & regulations. Should you wish to re-add the credit line, please contact a team member for the topic to be re-opened.

Paul Cammish
Former Moderator Team Leader | Hull IT Solutions System Engineer

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