I created my forum, but I have a few questions for you. I have already try to search, but I didn't find waht I need exactly.
First, I would like to know, how can I install the Hide button on my forum, to hide the links to everyone? Then, I want to know if it's possible, add a button like the "thanks button"? So, What I really want to do is make the people press the Thanks button to see the links. Is that possible??
One more question:
Can I control how many times, each member had press the Thanks button? I want to control it, because I want to do something like a ratio. Well, for each 10 "Thanks", each member need to upload something.
Can you help me fellows? Hope so
Greetings from Portugal.
P.S. I use Phpbb 3
EDIT: I have some problem with the colour of Global Moderators. Well, I have already added 3 members to the Global Moderators, but their nicks don't are in the same colour of Global Moderator default colour, but if I go check who is the team (clicking on Global Moderators), their nicks are there. As I said, this is not easy for me, there is a lot of information on ACP, and seems like always the same
In the e.mail that I received when I registed my forum, there was there a note that said that the ads can be removed in the Admin panel, and I search everywhere and I didn't find nothing about that
Please help