4. style on this page http://www.phpbb.com/development/prosilver/?page=7 is too very nice and http://www.phpbb.com/development/prosilver/?page=8 this blue version is better than nowadays blue
The very first prosilver style
The very first prosilver style
I really like this theme http://www.phpbb.com/development/prosilver/?page=4 it is first prosilver and in my opinion it is nicer than nowadays blue prosilver. is it possible to release this style for phpbb3.0.2 ?
or can you give download on that old theme and i could rewrite it for 3.0.2 .. that style is really brilliant
4. style on this page http://www.phpbb.com/development/prosilver/?page=7 is too very nice and http://www.phpbb.com/development/prosilver/?page=8 this blue version is better than nowadays blue
4. style on this page http://www.phpbb.com/development/prosilver/?page=7 is too very nice and http://www.phpbb.com/development/prosilver/?page=8 this blue version is better than nowadays blue
Re: The very first prosilver style
These were only concept images and no HTML or coding was present - it was simply drawn to show examples. 
Re: The very first prosilver style
aha. and can you release that images?
i will code it. that first image is really nice
Re: The very first prosilver style
You have it there - it is up at phpbb.com. Other images do no longer exist (if there were any - at least i do not have any)...
Re: The very first prosilver style
i wanted normal design to create style. ok, it is a pitty that so nice design is in bin. thank you for reply
Re: The very first prosilver style
Yeah I really wish this was the proSilver design, I prefer it greatly over this one. I hope someone makes that theme.