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Discussion of general topics related to the new release and its place in the world. Don't discuss new features, report bugs, ask for support, et cetera. Don't use this to spam for other boards or attack those boards!
Hi, i just want to to tell you that i`m really unhappy with the actual permissions organization on the ACP
It gives me a headache every time i need to set it up
I must ask the users if they have any problems accessing parts of the forum before i`m sure everything is ok
It is not easy if you create a new rank to setup the permissions for it for every forum
I wont say any names but i saw it it possible to have an easier permissions settings system !
And also there should be more ranks setup with a fresh install !
This is my honest request for 3.2.0 next release !
I appreciate all the work that you do, i`m just telling you my true opinion, my desires about a better phpBB !
tupeu wrote:It is not easy if you create a new rank to setup the permissions for it for every forum
I wont say any names but i saw it it possible to have an easier permissions settings system !
And also there should be more ranks setup with a fresh install !
Ranks have nothing to do with permissions or groups.
You're mixing up ranks and groups.
I think the default groups are fine. What more do you need that admins, mods, users and guests to get you started?
There's a fine line between flexibility and complexity in the permissions. They can be tricky to start with but you can actually simplify it yourself. If you just look at the groups forum permissions for example, you can set pretty much what each group can do and see in that one section with the available preset permission options.
Like all things practice makes perfect. I though they were complicated at first but now I find it's ok and I can see how the added flexibility works.
We agree with you that the Permission system is quite helpful and though you are correct that: “Ranks have nothing to do with permissions or groups”, we suggest it would be an awesome addition to the program if ranks did have permissions.
For example: on our board, we have different classes of users (groups) that each get different levels of access to the various areas of our forum (for which the current permissions system works quite effectively). However, we also have access issues that depend on the number of posts a person has made.
Yet, other than the rank setting, we are aware of no current phpBB system settings that are triggered by usage. So, though a person may have sufficient usage experience to gain/lose access to an area on the forum we are aware of no way to automate that experience based graduation other than to have them manually ask for and achieve a different group classification. Respectively, if their access tp the system is limited to a particular number of post, access management can become a mini nightmare.
Respectively, it seems like it would be an incredibly useful function to have permission settings related ranks.
With such a function, a person could be a registered user, post five posts each of which might require Admin approval, then their rank changes and they now need no more approval and after five more posts to reach the next rank, which opens their access to a more secured forum area.
It would also work to limit access to an area. As on our system where Guest visitors to our forum do not have access to post messages on our open forum system until they register a username. However, once they register a username they can make up to five posts on the forum; during which time they are treated almost like beneficiaries of our full service;
However, after they make their fifth post their rank changes to recognize that they have had sufficient opportunity to recognize that our service is worthy of their support; respectively, at that time we manually have to limit their access until they become full beneficiaries.
Because, this limitation is related to their participation, rank based permissions (made equivalent to “Group forum permissions”) would trigger respective rank based permission adjustments to users; adding an incredible functionality improvement to the overall system.
The Extensions team has committed to implementing Auto Groups, where people get added to (and maybe removed from) groups based on things like Post Count. That might solve your problem once the extension is released (although, unless they explicitly have a group based on rank, you may need to set the post counts identically for ranks and group posts).
Or, even if they don't have group based on rank, flip things around -- make all of your ranks special and set the Group rank to be the rank for that posting level.