Installation problem

Having problems installing EM? Let's fix that
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Installation problem

Post by Andega »

I have uploaded My PhpBB forums onto my host website
I have then downloaded the easy MOD Zip file into the specidied folder stated on the installation guide and unzipped the folder.
Now when I try to install the easy MOD onto the forum board it comes up with an error message saying the page can not be found
Anyone know what the problem is?
Last edited by stickerboy on Mon Apr 07, 2008 4:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: Moved from EM Discussion

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Lumpy Burgertushie
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Re: Installation problem

Post by Lumpy Burgertushie »

the proper way to install easymod is thus;

1. download the easymod zip file from here

2. unzip it to your computer

3. using ftp only, go to your server, create a new, empty folder in your admin folder. Name it mods.

4. upload the unzipped easymod folder ( all at one time, drag and drop ) to your new admin/mods folder.

5. in your browser, go to:

6. fill out the form with your correct info for your server. ( be sure to change the mysql to the correct version for your server. )

7. done.

now you have to learn how to upload and install MODs with it.

