Critical Error when installing Easy Mod

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Critical Error when installing Easy Mod

Post by The_Magus »

Good Morning:

I have followed the instructions - downloaded easymod, extracted to Forum folder at which time I noticed that the installation instruction said to install in the "admin" folder. My forum folder does not have this folder so I extracted the files into the "adm" folder, uploaded and followed the instrctions to access the install.php file and got an critical error message stating "CRITICAL ERROR: the file '' could not be found. Please, make sure EasyMOD has been uploaded under the admin/mods/easymod/ directory of your phpBB installation."

Assuming that there had been an error I created a folder named "admin" and extracted the files into this folder and uploaded the easymod files to this folder.

However this has not corrected the problem.

I would clarification as to what the name of the folder into which easymod should be installed - is it adm or admin - if it is admin I think the installation instructions should be changed as this is confusing plus it does not work.


Last edited by stickerboy on Mon Apr 07, 2008 5:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Kevin Clark
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Re: Critical Error when installing Easy Mod

Post by Kevin Clark »

You're using phpBB3.
EasyMOD is for phpBB2.

2x has /admin
3x has /adm
