#i**'s in CVS commit comments
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- John Hjorth
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#i**'s in CVS commit comments
Have any of you noticed the new #i**'s in the CVS commit comments, and does anybody have an explanation for them? - They seem to be some kind of "Internal" ordering of something, but I don't know what!

Re: #i**'s in CVS commit comments
internal tracker ids.
The same as the bug tracker ids, but with an i to indicate "internal".
edit: the relevant changelog entries will be committed too, so you do not miss anything.
edit: the relevant changelog entries will be committed too, so you do not miss anything.
- John Hjorth
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Re: #i**'s in CVS commit comments
Well, the interesting part in that internal/non public tracker is also the open/non closed tickets in it. We will just live without knowledge about its contents and the change log entries after a fix will do. 
Re: #i**'s in CVS commit comments
I'll risk a guess...it might be related to the security audit that has been mentioned a while ago...maybe its on the way and the outcomes are hold in an "internal" bug tracker 
- John Hjorth
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Re: #i**'s in CVS commit comments
Yes, it's likely, but we will never know, otherwise Acyd Burn would have posted it above.
- ameeck
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Re: #i**'s in CVS commit comments
Had the same thought a few days earlier. It might not be far, look at the nature of the fixes, all security and doublecheck stuffth23 wrote:I'll risk a guess...it might be related to the security audit that has been mentioned a while ago...maybe its on the way and the outcomes are hold in an "internal" bug tracker
Please think before you post.