Your opinions about the new smilies
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Discussion of general topics related to the new release and its place in the world. Don't discuss new features, report bugs, ask for support, et cetera. Don't use this to spam for other boards or attack those boards!
Re: Your opinions about the new smilies
Im not too keen on them either. I thought the old set was just fine so will change them 
Re: Your opinions about the new smilies
I like most of them:
, so they are standard now on my forum.
I hope there will be also new ones of:
because they look very old fashioned.
I hope there will be also new ones of:
«I've always followed the rule that anything worth doing is worth doing excessively.» (Robert Parker)
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- Joined: Fri Sep 03, 2004 11:58 pm
- Location: Istanbul
Re: Your opinions about the new smilies
I respect the work done, but sorry, I'll use the old ones on my board.
Greetings to everyone...
Re: Your opinions about the new smilies
Same here, I'll rather use some others. Call it evolution...

Re: Your opinions about the new smilies
Pheh. I far prefer the old smilies; they just flow better, personally. Plus, the new smilies not only have the kind of "egg" look, but I don't quite enjoy the color used for 'em. Or the eye on some.
Evolution's over-rated, especially when it's a step down. Long live
can rot in an abyss. No rudeness to those whom worked on the new 'uns intended, I just can't see myself utilizing them. =P
Evolution's over-rated, especially when it's a step down. Long live
One day, I'll remember to add my actual signature and avatar. I think.