Best gaming Console?

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Post by Gud »

[quote6b0db="the poll"]
gamecube 40%

omg, are you mentaly retarded? :)

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Post by Kanuck »

Ahh, it's 45% now!

PSO, there seems to be a bug in the poll code, it's making up votes that nobody ever made ;)
I rule.

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Post by Gud »

PSO, there seems to be a bug in the poll code, it's making up votes that nobody ever made ;)

Maybe I should register a few dozens of users...? ;)

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Post by Kanuck »

I'm actually rather disappointed by these results so far, nobody here seems to know too much about the consoles, or they'd know which one to pick :)
[color=#E1E8EB6f27f]Xbox rules the earth...[/color6f27f]
And if you're confused, stare over <-- there...
[color=#E1E8EB6f27f]Xbox owns you...[/color6f27f]
You know which one to pick!
[color=#E1E8EB6f27f]You love Xbox...[/color6f27f]
Don't count it out just cuz it's MS.
[color=#E1E8EB6f27f]Xbox is the greatest...[/color6f27f]
You know which console is truly great.
[color=#E1E8EB6f27f]Xbox rules!!![/color6f27f]
I rule.

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Post by theFinn »

My vote goes for the PS2...

I'm very unimpressed by the lineup of games the XBox has. When it comes to consoles I'm a racing game fan and the XBox's premier racing title, 'Project Gotham Racing' looks like crap, and isn't much fun to play either (played a bit at a local EB..).

On the other hand the PS2 has GT3 A-spec...damn that game kicks ass! I've only played it a little in the store but I really want it :) The graphics are WAY better then PGR too :)

Halo looks decent but I can't see playing an FPS on a console.. I need my mouse and keyboard for that :)
James 'theFinn' Atkinson
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Post by psoTFX »

Can I vote Spectrum? Me and my friends used to spend hours playing games on this and the C-64 ... Way of the Exploding Fist, Knight Lore, Sabre Wulf, Atic Attack, Jet Set Willy ... who needs Halo and Luigi's Mansion :D If not Spectrum then I guess Gameboy ... :D

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Post by Pit »

Heh...gameboys...don't remind me...I saw a 16 year old boy at school today playing pokemon and talking as if it was real. This is a 16 year old boy who once hit a teacher on the hand with a hammer for calling him ginge.

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Post by psoTFX »

I can point you towards several (at the time) 20yo Chemical Engineering undergrads being educated in one of the worlds premier Engineering faculties arguing over who had the highest score in Tetris and Kirby's Pinball ... :)

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Post by mitsubishi »

Best console is somewhat different to which would you rather have. AFAIK X-box is the most powerful, but throughout gaming history that has not meant much, look at how much market share the MD had when the SNES was vastly superior, the gameboy survived an entire generation before its recent makeovers completley seeing off the gamegear and Atari Lynx. Games have always been key, although sony pulled off a real coup with the marketing of the PSX, but they screwed up the PS2 launch badly. Nintendo launch late, which is a mistake as did Sega with the dreamcast. Just ask the betamax company, best isn't always best.

<!-- insert snide comment from a mac user about how hard done by macs are -->

I went for PS2, but we'll see in 6 months.
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Post by Kanuck »

"With one of the best launch lineups ever, I understand why Xbox is the most sought-after gift for the holiday." Additionally, Xbox gamers bought a record 2.4 games with every Xbox. By comparison, SCEA sold 1.9 games with every PlayStation2 after the first two weeks of sales, and Nintendo is currently selling 1.9 games with every Gamecube to date following its launch. "There's no doubt that Xbox has some of the most popular games for the holiday."

The system has something for everyone. Fusion Frenzy for the party game types, NFL Fever and Madden for the sports fans, PGR for the racers (speaking of racing, GT2 was WAY better than GT3), Munch's Oddysee for the adventurous gamers, Halo for the shooter fans...

I want one SO bad, spending $260 on Christmas gifts in the last two days certainly hasn't helped :p
I rule.

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