suggestion to developers: please release beta-6
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Re: suggestion to developers: please release beta-6
Provided he follows the GPL, he can fork it and rename it as much as he likes. The GPL was designed to be very flexible and permissive for open source software and those who want to modify/re-release software
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Re: suggestion to developers: please release beta-6
TwistedWeather wrote: Sorry if that bothers anyone as well but facts are facts and this has been needing to be said.
Which facts? The amount of time it's taken to develop phpBB3? What? Holy crap, I had no idea how long it's taken! I'm sure I speak for everyone here, including the developers, when I say THANK YOU for pointing that out. We were so busy patting each other on the back that we missed it. You're right, pointing this out was very much needed. Now the developers can go back in time and get this done faster, and release it three years ago.
What would we do without you, TwistedWeather? You've saved phpBB!
Hopefully the developers here wont take it as a attack and delete my reply because that WILL show they really do have no intrest in getting this thing out the door fully.
No, deleting your post wouldn't show that at all. It would show that they have lost patience for unhelpful complaining. And your post IS an attack, even if it is a well-meaning attack.
Re: suggestion to developers: please release beta-6
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Re: suggestion to developers: please release beta-6
Drew*** wrote: [...] When threads degenerate from reasonable discussion into useless bickering it’s time to lock them and let them die.
I've seen in other places the suggestion to close down threads: this seems to me non a good policy. Discussing means also reasonably dealing with people having different ideas. You mean they should be muzzled?
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(Thomas Alva Edison)
(Thomas Alva Edison)
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Re: suggestion to developers: please release beta-6
Or a user can get them back on trackDrew*** wrote:Here's suggestion to the developers, moderators or whomever. When threads degenerate from reasonable discussion into useless bickering it’s time to lock them and let them die.
Correct, also testers no matter how passionate need time to find the bugs. You can have a new beta 1 a day even if you were able to do it with a project this large. As the moto has been said over and over: it will be done when it's done. I want if possible an error-free phpbb3. It's very unlikely as somethings may not be picked up for years.The Grinch wrote: You seem to forget something. The developers have full time jobs and lives. They don't owe you or anyone else a thing. If you can't wait for it, use something else. No one is twisting your arm.
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Re: suggestion to developers: please release beta-6
usually i don't respond to ranting, but being "whoever started this thread", i decided to respond.TwistedWeather wrote: ...........(some ranting about the project taking too long).........
Instead they should take it as advice and as a incentive to get things back on track so they lose that image amongst the bb development community. Sorry but i for one would NOT want that image. Hopefully whoever started this thread will remember and read this as well!
...........(some more ranting).......
nobody dispute the claim that phpbb3 takes longer than intended.
however, if you go back and read your post, you will fail to find any "advice". all there is is some "i can't believe" this and "i can't believe" that. what i tried to do in my initial post was to point to a course of action that in my opinion will help get olympus released faster.
as other posters before commented, pointing to the obvious ("it takes too long") and ranting about it can hardly be considered "advice", and has zero useful discussion value.
have a good day.
Re: suggestion to developers: please release beta-6
everyone is entitled to an opinion; that's what makes a discussion a discussion
Re: suggestion to developers: please release beta-6
Is everyone entitled to an opinion?
yeah yeah yeah... I know... it will be ready when it's ready.
Re: suggestion to developers: please release beta-6
does anyone believe, that this discussion (last postings) will bring RC1 faster (or B6)? so calm down and get back to the real topic (1st post), please.
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Re: suggestion to developers: please release beta-6
I'm no developer, but it would seem to me that an additional beta wouldn't hurt, and it does seem there have been some pretty significant changes/additions since the last beta. It would be useful to get those tested by a full spectrum of users, and not just the CVS testers (or maybe it wouldn't...what do I know?). I wouldn't complain if we saw RC1 next, but I think an additional beta isn't unreasonable.