Discussion of general topics related to the new version and its place in the world. Don't discuss new features, report bugs, ask for support, et cetera. Don't use this to spam for other boards or attack those boards!
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Discussion of general topics related to the new release and its place in the world. Don't discuss new features, report bugs, ask for support, et cetera. Don't use this to spam for other boards or attack those boards!
bad-dj wrote:
well i remember one of the Developers saying there is no need for another beta only if the bugs go over a number of bug or some thing i forgot were i seen it but i mite of been on area51 or the community.
It was posted by Acyd Burn. I linked it in a post I made earlier today. I'll save you the trouble and link it again. viewtopic.php?f=3&t=26169&p=173558
Well, as many of you know, there have been a lot of changes regarding the imagesets for styles.
I’ve been keeping an eye on the complete overhaul in the CVS since yesterday when it was first committed.
And although I believed there were not enough changes for another Beta, but since the overhaul, I think we might need a chance to test everything as a beta.
Sure why not keep the slowest moving project known to mankind moving even slower.
I cannot believe this thing is STILL in beta ESPECIALLY considering all the other BB software developers ( Both FREE and Paid ) have released newer versions just in the time this thing has been in beta. Talking some major changes as well. Sad thing is here the developers seem to care less. I am sure they read all the development/web hosting sites etc and see the endless remarks about this project and how slow developement is.
What the heck ppbb3 has already been in development for around a half a decade.
Sorry if that bothers anyone as well but facts are facts and this has been needing to be said. Hopefully the developers here wont take it as a attack and delete my reply because that WILL show they really do have no intrest in getting this thing out the door fully. Instead they should take it as advice and as a incentive to get things back on track so they lose that image amongst the bb development community. Sorry but i for one would NOT want that image. Hopefully whoever started this thread will remember and read this as well! I am sure there is plenty of people involved in this community and over at the main site who would love to help get this project rolling again and if i were you all i would be looking for them and to dump whoever the slack is here slowing down the development to a snails pace.
Talking 5+ yrs to go from phpbb2 to the next version phpbb3. That is horrible at best. So yeah lets get things moving again and get that RC out the door. Sorry but another beta is the last thing this project needs especially considering that the problem relate to the new template vs the software itself from what i am gathering. If i remember correctly the new theme wasnt supposed to be released till gold anyways.
You couldn't have put it in better words. The problem is that this project has many loyal followers that will not give any credibility to what you have just said. Like mindless drones, they will continue to chant "It's ready when it's ready" or "It's done when it's done". Open source, freeware, blaa blaa blaa... If the entire team were passionate about the project, RC would be here by now.
I know there are many people who feel the same, they are just afraid to speak out as they will be devoured by the drones.
yeah yeah yeah... I know... it will be ready when it's ready.
TwistedWeather wrote:
Sure why not keep the slowest moving project known to mankind moving even slower.
I cannot believe this thing is STILL in beta ESPECIALLY considering all the other BB software developers ( Both FREE and Paid ) have released newer versions just in the time this thing has been in beta. Talking some major changes as well. Sad thing is here the developers seem to care less. I am sure they read all the development/web hosting sites etc and see the endless remarks about this project and how slow developement is.
What the heck ppbb3 has already been in development for around a half a decade.
well i have to say would you like to have a forum that has bugs all in it or a forum that is the best of the best?
Garrydw wrote:
Open source, freeware, blaa blaa blaa... If the entire team were passionate about the project, RC would be here by now.
You seem to forget something. The developers have full time jobs and lives. They don't owe you or anyone else a thing. If you can't wait for it, use something else. No one is twisting your arm.
It is a fair question. Do you or do you not want a final release that the developers are satisfied with? If you do, then you will realise they are doing the right thing by taking the time to find and fix the bugs. If not, then you are perfectly welcome to get the current release and rename it GarrydwBB 1.0 and use it.
It is a fair question. Do you or do you not want a final release that the developers are satisfied with? If you do, then you will realise they are doing the right thing by taking the time to find and fix the bugs. If not, then you are perfectly welcome to get the current release and rename it GarrydwBB 1.0 and use it.
then would that be braking the copyright of phpbb? if he done that.