For phpBB2: replace templates/subSilver/images/logo_phpBB.gif with your logo
For phpBB3: replace styles/subSilver/imageset/site_logo.gif with your logo
If you are using some free forum hosting service then you don't have access to files, so you should look in admin control panel. Different hosting companies use different mods for logo upload, so look for one of the following:
- "Upload Logo" in forum management menu. Click on that menu item and you'll see option to upload logo. Warning: logo will be replace on all styles and logo size is limited.
- "eXtreme Styles mod" menu. Click on "Management" menu, you'll see menu item "Change Logo". Select a style and upload your logo. If you have more than one style installed then you'll need to change logo for every installed style separately.
- Something else that would mention "logo". Few companies use their own mods for it.
If you haven't found a feature to replace logo then forum hosting service you are using sucks and you should switch to some other service.
edit: added info for free forum hosting users.
Last edited by Arty on Sun Mar 11, 2007 8:20 am, edited 1 time in total.
CyberAlien wrote:
For phpBB2: replace templates/subSilver/images/logo_phpBB.gif with your logo
For phpBB3: replace styles/subSilver/imageset/site_logo.gif with your logo
Better post reply for both versions, as while is down there will be many users asking this question for both 2.0 and 3.0. Also I've added info for forum hosts to cover all possible phpbb types.