New phpBB Team: Web Solution Integration?

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New phpBB Team: Web Solution Integration?

Post by yexusbeliever »

I am just beginning to listen to the phpBB podcast. While fountain of apple and another speaking about official cms, wordpress, dural, and other script integration. I had a thought. Can phpBB develop a team that focus on making just making official wordpress, drual, PostNuke, and other official integrations?

If a new team is focus and setup for this task, the current teams do not have to change anything in the phpBB 3 script. So the current teams can continue on their task as usual while a new team can work together in getting integrations working with phpBB3. So these integrations can be official release from phpBB.

Can this be made possible?

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Re: New phpBB Team: Web Solution Integration?

Post by Adric »

First off...
That Thing at the top of the page wrote: Don't discuss new features, report bugs, ask for support, etc.

Secondly... I don't think that it is phpBB's job to integrate other groups software into their own software.

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Re: New phpBB Team: Web Solution Integration?

Post by DigitalShadow »

True it is not their job but he never said it was theirs just an idea from him which would make it easier for members to use the forum together with other software products. If the phpbb team will do that is up to them. Personally I think it would be an great idea.

side note: is this meant to be (screenshot)? Just noticed it
hmmmmm.JPG (36.19 KiB) Viewed 10472 times
((perfect timing-_-, i wasnt able to log in this weekend cuz Dad thinks this site is bad and that your all the spawn of Satan....hmm go figure^_^))

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Re: New phpBB Team: Web Solution Integration?

Post by b3rx »

DigitalShadow wrote: side note: is this meant to be (screenshot)? Just noticed it

that is part of what he entered in the location field. kinda tricky i might add.

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Re: New phpBB Team: Web Solution Integration?

Post by DigitalShadow »

oh k, was kinda irritated for a minute lmao.
((perfect timing-_-, i wasnt able to log in this weekend cuz Dad thinks this site is bad and that your all the spawn of Satan....hmm go figure^_^))

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Re: New phpBB Team: Web Solution Integration?

Post by Handyman »

He just needs bbcode to be enabled… then it would actually look real :)
of course, it would help if it was on the second line like in that screenshot.
For me it's on the same line.
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Re: New phpBB Team: Web Solution Integration?

Post by yexusbeliever »

b3rx wrote:
DigitalShadow wrote: side note: is this meant to be (screenshot)? Just noticed it

that is part of what he entered in the location field. kinda tricky i might add.

In phpBB2, it looks like the real thing. The "posts:" is not bold and so after that comes the number and it looks so real. Hahaha. You can check for one of my posts in community. ... 01#1031801


Anyways it is an idea that I do like to offer up to the developers here to form a new team to find a possible solution for those people who wants a great script for integration to their phpBB. It is not a new feature add onto the Olympus phpBB 3.0. So the Olympus core code will have no change. And the integration can be its own separation add on.

IPB has blog mod, photo mod, and chat mod as official mods from the IPB team. Why can't we phpBB have official add-ons, mods, or integrations from a phpBB team release?

Expanding the phpBB teams can bring the better out of us. phpBB teams can grow in working together with team building and expanding can create a greater growth of interest to phpBB. When more opportunities are open for people to get involve, I believe they can be more excited about phpBB. And when there are more options given to phpBB users, the users are more excited for phpBB. There is a growth when there opportunities arrive for such like this.

I honestly do not think it hurts to begin this kind of project. The hard part is finding the people who is willing to join a team to accomplish this task.

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Re: New phpBB Team: Web Solution Integration?

Post by Adric »

ok, mods of their own that are officialy sanctioned by phpBB, that I can see... but you seemed to be indicating in your opening that you wanted them to not make their own, but integrate other software products into their own...

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Re: New phpBB Team: Web Solution Integration?

Post by Handyman »

Why can't we phpBB have official add-ons, mods, or integrations from a phpBB team release?

Why does it have to be official? is a phpBB validated mod not good enough for you?
We don't need to add extra work to the Dev team… and since the validated mods have worked great for everybody for years, why get carried away with the "Official" Title.
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Re: New phpBB Team: Web Solution Integration?

Post by yexusbeliever »

Why I say official is because usually a one person will take on a task of integrating something like wordpress. Later on he is burned out because is one person doing the work and leaves, abandoning the project. Usually this is where I do not see a continuing lively integration. I am just suggesting official integration release because if phpBB has a team that is fully dedicated to that work, there is little chance of abandonment.

Still phpBB folks do not have to go for all of my ideas. The plain point is that just like other people, I like to see a stable continual development of integrations for phpBB. So I know that the current phpBB teams are really busy, so they can devise a new team for this.

Even a third party team can still do this. I just thought it would be awesome to see a new phpBB team working on it.

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