This means that you failed to update the database after installing a MOD. Check the Author's notes for instructions for updating your database. Many times, they include a file that you can upload to your phpBB forum folder and run from your browser...
If appears that you ignored the SQL Processing error when you installed the Global Announcement MOD using EM. So these two SQL queries still need to be applied to your database:
Code: Select all
#-----[ SQL ]-------------------------------------------------
ALTER TABLE phpbb_forums ADD auth_globalannounce TINYINT (2) DEFAULT "3" NOT NULL AFTER auth_announce;
ALTER TABLE phpbb_auth_access ADD auth_globalannounce TINYINT (1) not null AFTER auth_announce;
You can either Restore the EM Backups and correct the queries above or you can apply these directly to your database. It would probably be easiest to explain on how to Restore the Backups...
Ok, try this:
Code: Select all
#-----[ SQL ]-------------------------------------------------
ALTER TABLE phpbb_forums ADD auth_globalannounce TINYINT (2) DEFAULT "3" NOT NULL AFTER auth_announce;
ALTER TABLE phpbb_auth_access ADD auth_globalannounce TINYINT (1) not null AFTER auth_announce;
Code: Select all
#-----[ SQL ]-------------------------------------------------
ALTER TABLE phpbb_forums ADD auth_globalannounce TINYINT (2) DEFAULT "3" NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE phpbb_auth_access ADD auth_globalannounce TINYINT (1) not null;
Next Restore the EM Backups for the Global Announcement MOD, then Save, upload, and try installing this MOD again using EM...
Restoring EM Backups
If a MOD that you installed with EM hosed your board or you decide that you just don't want it, simply go into EM History in your ACP MOD Center and click on the Details button next to the MOD entry..
On the bottom of the next page, select Restore Backups and press the Go button. Make sure you DON'T select the Remove Record option or you will be forced to manually rolll back the EM backups that were created for you. I will have to walk you through that if need be...
Next you will see a page to confirm eht operation. You would choose Yes:
MODs can only be uninstalled in reverse order that they were installed: FILO (First In, Last Out). So if you installed a MOD, then several others, then decided to remove the first one, you would have to Restore the backups of the other MODs before you could Restore the backups on the first MOD...
Restoring EM Backups (Manual Instructions)
If you are unable to get into the ACP, you will need to use these manual instructions to Restore the EM Backups...
Download the backups folder that EM created for you in the MOD sub-folder found in admin/mods. Strip the .txt extension from each file in every folder in the backups folder. So the resulting file extensions will be php, tpl, css, and cfg. Upload the files back to their proper locations on your board; i.e.
- copy backups/admin/*.* to phpBB/admin/*.*
- copy backups/includes/*.* to phpBB/includes/*.*
- copy backups/language/lang_english/*.* to phpBB/language/lang_english/*.*
- copy backups/templates/subSilver/*.* to phpBB/templates/subSilver/*.*
- copy backups/*.* to phpBB/*.*
Of course if you have alternate templates and language folders, you will need to copy the files for them as well. I'm referring to phpBB as your forum's root folder in the above copy commands. If your root folder has any other name, just substitute phpBB with the name of your forum's root folder name...