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Discuss features as they are added to the new version. Give us your feedback. Don't post bug reports, feature requests, support questions or suggestions here. Feature requests are closed.
Then try posting real media, windows media or quicktime files or try to utilize the physical download method or try to inject a second extension; also i am not sure if it is possible to force the mime extension to either use the lowest known extension (if you append an unknown one) or by submitting a file with doubled extensions, then only the last would be stripped (for the real name of course).
I can see a few potential problems arising with this change, show-stopper bugs so to say.
then only the last would be stripped (for the real name of course).
I never said it is possible for the physical name, though might be possible if people decide to also use the real name as the physical name - and some most likely will find the code line to change. But even then it is not possible to use more than one extension since doubled extensions should be stripped by the upload class.
Anyway, at the moment i do not see a possibility of using this method without removing windows media streaming and the physical download method.
Acyd Burn wrote:
Then try posting real media, windows media or quicktime files or try to utilize the physical download method or try to inject a second extension; also i am not sure if it is possible to force the mime extension to either use the lowest known extension (if you append an unknown one) or by submitting a file with doubled extensions, then only the last would be stripped (for the real name of course).
I can see a few potential problems arising with this change, show-stopper bugs so to say.
I tried a wmv, and that worked exactly the same...don't have any rm or quicktime files(or know how to make one and get it smaller than 2MB).
I tried the physical download method and well, that did not work the best.
Multiple extensions are not a problem, I tried php.php.php.php.php.php.php.php.php.php.php.php.php and it was still 2_8bb1107e0342feb5ca44ffe8e24e1887
EDIT: If you don't want to setup a board to try it yourself, I can set one up with the change on a server of mine and give you FTP and admin access.