Highway of Life wrote:
Wow... old topic.
Well, unfortunately, there is no "default" option that you can turn on or off in the ACP for your users... about the only way to do it would be to run a quick Query that would turn everyone's Flash to ON.
You can also set the default options to have flash set to "ON" as well (in phpMyAdmin)
2: Probably, depending on what format you have...
All you need is to convert it to: [flash=<width>,<height>]<url path>[/flash] format.
3: Perhaps you were not logged in (viewing as a guest), or logged in as a User which did not have Flash preferences turned on. It should work in all browsers that support Flash (IE and FF certainly do)
Thanks Highway of Life, you defintely are taking good care of me
1) Yep I'll probably use phpmyadmin to do that then

that means flash will be on for guests too ?
2) Yes that is what I had in mind, I made it work already
3) You are right I was not logged in on IE
4) About the html bbcode (which authorize the use of html), do you have any idea how I could implement it (that means that I wouldn't have to manually edit ALL the posts of the forum, meanwhile I start using the new technique)...
Thanks again