No "code change Updates" for Olympus after gold?

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No "code change Updates" for Olympus after gold?

Post by Zottel »


I am not sure how I should understand a part from the "beta 4 released"-news:
Updating from Beta3 to Beta4

This section is meant as a tiny guide for those deciding to test the updater. We only provide the packages for the automatic update tool, the other packages are not available for the beta releases; namely the file changes and the patch file release. The code changes known from the 2.0.x line will no longer be available with phpBB 3.0.x.

I am not really good at english, so i am not sure if I understand the last sentence from the quoted text correctly:
Does that mean that the phpbb 3 line will not have code changes updates for future updates after the released/gold version too, or just during beta/RC-versions?

For the phpbb 2.0.x line I found the "code change updates" always the easiest and (most important:) safest way for updating modified phpbb-boards. Without the code change updates it would be very hard to update heavy modified boards.

So, am I understanding it correctly that there will be no "code change updates" anymore for olympus after the gold realease for future versions/updates?
If yes, what will be the best way to update (heavy) modified boards then manually/by hand?

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Re: No "code change Updates" for Olympus after gold?

Post by John Hjorth »

I think you understood it correct.

Because of the complexity of the software, it's the most efficient way to perform updates of the software. Remember, there is actually codewise no simlarity any longer between phpBB 3.0 and phpBB 2.0. If the developers should document codechanges while updating the software, they perhaps ends up documenting the codechanges in stead of developing.

It's an evolution that has taken place actually for some time already for updates of premodified phpBB's also, especially the quite heavily MODded one's (100+ MODs).

When you MOD phpBB 3.0 up, keep track of the codechanges using comments, and when you perform an update later, do it manually using a file comparison/merge tool to keep tracks of all changes. The comments in your already modified files will keep you on the track.

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Re: No "code change Updates" for Olympus after gold?

Post by Dr.Death »


The Olympus updater uses a diff engine ;-)
So it will be possible to user the regular updater, even if your Olympus if heavily modded.


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Re: No "code change Updates" for Olympus after gold?

Post by John Hjorth »

The updater does nothing more or less than you get with a comparison tool to identify what has to be done manually.

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