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Discussion of general topics related to the new release and its place in the world. Don't discuss new features, report bugs, ask for support, et cetera. Don't use this to spam for other boards or attack those boards!
hi guys after going over the captcha
would it be possible to get some vars in the captcha for hight and width mainly the gd version of captcha so if we want to use this in mods etc
we can resize
for example:
$captcha = new captcha();
$captcha->width = 60;
$captcha->height = 120;
if anyone else want to make some suggestions please do or dev team are we going to have to hack up this ourself for mods etc just thought before this is in rc i thought i should say something as i be trying out the new captcha for a while now, and great improvement over the beta 2 version
working on a cms to be intergrated with phpbb 3 without any major code changing to keep with phpbb 3 guidelines
updated gd captcha class with size vars
this way you can change the size of the gd render box
like so
$captcha->width = 360;
$captcha->height = 96;
thought this should be done really mainly for people who want to intergrate phpbb gd into there sites
Last edited by Caedmon on Tue Nov 14, 2006 3:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Reason:Removed Code Block. Code MODs are not supported nor welcome on Beta Releases of Olympus.
working on a cms to be intergrated with phpbb 3 without any major code changing to keep with phpbb 3 guidelines
Actually, to be fair, i already implemented this (just changing the variables to the class' scope - it is hardly changing any code or inner workings after all) locally.