sql table fails to install

Discussion on a SQL Parser for EasyMOD
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sql table fails to install

Post by grate1n8 »

In The Installation of EasyMOD everything is good untill adding the tables this is what happens

to skip to the point the error is the last code box

heres everything i did in detail

Code: Select all

Step 3 (of 5): EasyMOD is now installing itself as it would any 

MOD. There is a two step process of first creating the modified 

files and then moving them into place. The modified file(s) do no 

effect the core phpBB files in any way until the next step. Click 

the "Complete Processing" button to move the files into place.

Processing Files
Parsing: language/lang_english/lang_admin.php

Finding: $lang['MOD_control_tag']
In-line Finding: = '
In-line after, add: 0.0.11a,

Building Post Process Actions
The following actions will be executed in the final step: copy 


copy processed/language/lang_english/lang_admin.php.txt 

copy includes/admin_easymod.php.txt 

copy em_includes/em_functions.php 

copy em_includes/em_cipher.php 

copy em_includes/em_modio.php 

copy em_includes/em_ftp.php ../../../admin/em_includes/em_ftp.php
copy em_includes/index.htm ../../../admin/em_includes/index.htm
copy lang_easymod.php 

copy includes/mod_complete.tpl 

copy includes/mod_header.tpl 

copy includes/mod_history.tpl 

copy includes/mod_install.tpl 

copy includes/mod_login.tpl 

copy includes/mod_process.tpl 

copy includes/mod_settings.tpl 

copy includes/mod_sql_body.tpl 

copy includes/mod_preview.tpl 

copy easymod.gif ../../../templates/subSilver/images/easymod.gif
copy includes/emc.gif ../../../templates/subSilver/images/emc.gif
copy includes/mod_complete.tpl 

copy includes/mod_header.tpl 

copy includes/mod_history.tpl 

copy includes/mod_install.tpl 

copy includes/mod_login.tpl 

copy includes/mod_process.tpl 

copy includes/mod_settings.tpl 

copy includes/mod_sql_body.tpl 

copy includes/mod_preview.tpl 

copy easymod.gif ../../../templates/AcidTech/images/easymod.gif
copy includes/emc.gif ../../../templates/AcidTech/images/emc.gif
copy includes/mod_complete.tpl 

copy includes/mod_header.tpl 

copy includes/mod_history.tpl 

copy includes/mod_install.tpl 

copy includes/mod_login.tpl 

copy includes/mod_process.tpl 

copy includes/mod_settings.tpl 

copy includes/mod_sql_body.tpl 

copy includes/mod_preview.tpl 

copy easymod.gif 

copy includes/emc.gif 

copy includes/mod_complete.tpl 

copy includes/mod_header.tpl 

copy includes/mod_history.tpl 

copy includes/mod_install.tpl 

copy includes/mod_login.tpl 

copy includes/mod_process.tpl 

copy includes/mod_settings.tpl 

copy includes/mod_sql_body.tpl 

copy includes/mod_preview.tpl 

copy easymod.gif 

copy includes/emc.gif 

copy includes/mod_complete.tpl 

copy includes/mod_header.tpl 

copy includes/mod_history.tpl 

copy includes/mod_install.tpl 

copy includes/mod_login.tpl 

copy includes/mod_process.tpl 

copy includes/mod_settings.tpl 

copy includes/mod_sql_body.tpl 

copy includes/mod_preview.tpl 

copy easymod.gif ../../../templates/AcidTechEx/images/easymod.gif
copy includes/emc.gif ../../../templates/AcidTechEx/images/emc.gif
copy includes/mod_complete.tpl 

copy includes/mod_header.tpl 

copy includes/mod_history.tpl 

copy includes/mod_install.tpl 

copy includes/mod_login.tpl 

copy includes/mod_process.tpl 

copy includes/mod_settings.tpl 

copy includes/mod_sql_body.tpl 

copy includes/mod_preview.tpl 

copy easymod.gif 

copy includes/emc.gif 

copy includes/mod_complete.tpl 

copy includes/mod_header.tpl 

copy includes/mod_history.tpl 

copy includes/mod_install.tpl 

copy includes/mod_login.tpl 

copy includes/mod_process.tpl 

copy includes/mod_settings.tpl 

copy includes/mod_sql_body.tpl 

copy includes/mod_preview.tpl 

copy easymod.gif 

copy includes/emc.gif 

copy includes/mod_complete.tpl 

copy includes/mod_header.tpl 

copy includes/mod_history.tpl 

copy includes/mod_install.tpl 

copy includes/mod_login.tpl 

copy includes/mod_process.tpl 

copy includes/mod_settings.tpl 

copy includes/mod_sql_body.tpl 

copy includes/mod_preview.tpl 

copy easymod.gif 

copy includes/emc.gif 

copy includes/mod_complete.tpl 

copy includes/mod_header.tpl 

copy includes/mod_history.tpl 

copy includes/mod_install.tpl 

copy includes/mod_login.tpl 

copy includes/mod_process.tpl 

copy includes/mod_settings.tpl 

copy includes/mod_sql_body.tpl 

copy includes/mod_preview.tpl 

copy easymod.gif 

copy includes/emc.gif 

copy includes/mod_complete.tpl 

copy includes/mod_header.tpl 

copy includes/mod_history.tpl 

copy includes/mod_install.tpl 

copy includes/mod_login.tpl 

copy includes/mod_process.tpl 

copy includes/mod_settings.tpl 

copy includes/mod_sql_body.tpl 

copy includes/mod_preview.tpl 

copy easymod.gif 

copy includes/emc.gif 

copy includes/mod_complete.tpl 

copy includes/mod_header.tpl 

copy includes/mod_history.tpl 

copy includes/mod_install.tpl 

copy includes/mod_login.tpl 

copy includes/mod_process.tpl 

copy includes/mod_settings.tpl 

copy includes/mod_sql_body.tpl 

copy includes/mod_preview.tpl 

copy easymod.gif 

copy includes/emc.gif 


Code: Select all

Adding EasyMOD table to your database
Executing SQL: CREATE TABLE phpbb_easymod ( mod_id mediumint(8) 

NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' auto_increment, mod_title varchar(50) NULL 

DEFAULT '', mod_file varchar(255) NULL DEFAULT '', mod_version 

varchar(15) NULL DEFAULT '', mod_author_handle varchar(25) NULL 

DEFAULT '', mod_author_email varchar(100) NULL DEFAULT '', 

mod_author_name varchar(100) NULL DEFAULT '', mod_author_url 

varchar(100) NULL DEFAULT '', mod_description text NULL DEFAULT 

'', mod_process_date int(11) NULL DEFAULT '0', mod_phpBB_version 

varchar(15) NULL DEFAULT '', mod_processed_themes varchar(200) 

NULL DEFAULT '', mod_processed_langs varchar(200) NULL DEFAULT '', 

mod_files_edited mediumint(8) NULL DEFAULT '0', mod_tables_added 

mediumint(8) NULL DEFAULT '0', mod_tables_altered mediumint(8) 

NULL DEFAULT '0', mod_rows_inserted mediumint(8) NULL DEFAULT '0', 

PRIMARY KEY (mod_id))

Progress :: . Done
Result   :: Some queries failed, the statements and errors are 

listing below

Code: Select all

* Error :: Invalid default value for 'mod_id'
      SQL   :: CREATE TABLE phpbb_easymod ( mod_id mediumint(8) 

NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' auto_increment, mod_title varchar(50) NULL 

DEFAULT '', mod_file varchar(255) NULL DEFAULT '', mod_version 

varchar(15) NULL DEFAULT '', mod_author_handle varchar(25) NULL 

DEFAULT '', mod_author_email varchar(100) NULL DEFAULT '', 

mod_author_name varchar(100) NULL DEFAULT '', mod_author_url 

varchar(100) NULL DEFAULT '', mod_description text NULL DEFAULT 

'', mod_process_date int(11) NULL DEFAULT '0', mod_phpBB_version 

varchar(15) NULL DEFAULT '', mod_processed_themes varchar(200) 

NULL DEFAULT '', mod_processed_langs varchar(200) NULL DEFAULT '', 

mod_files_edited mediumint(8) NULL DEFAULT '0', mod_tables_added 

mediumint(8) NULL DEFAULT '0', mod_tables_altered mediumint(8) 

NULL DEFAULT '0', mod_rows_inserted mediumint(8) NULL DEFAULT '0', 

PRIMARY KEY (mod_id))

This is probably nothing to worry about, install will continue. 

Should this fail to complete you may need to seek help at our 

development board.

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Posts: 7219
Joined: Tue Nov 16, 2004 8:54 pm
Location: Florida, US

Re: sql table fails to install

Post by Nightrider »

Why are you attempting to install EM 0.0.11a? That is an extremely old and outdated version. You should be attempting to install EM 0.3.0...

EasyMOD v0.3.0 released (for phpBB 2.0.x)

In the future, you don't need to post what was successful. All I need to know is what failed unless I ask for more...


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Posts: 8
Joined: Mon Mar 06, 2006 1:44 pm
Location: Berlin, DE/EU/Alpha-Q 001

Re: sql table fails to install

Post by jtrumpfheller »

I have the same problem:

I have already installed on two other forums Easy Mod without any problem. Now I got the following error message:
Result :: Some queries failed, the statements and errors are listing below

Error :: Invalid default value for 'mod_id'
SQL :: CREATE TABLE phpbb_easymod ( mod_id mediumint(8) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' auto_increment, ...)

Question: Shouldn't be the 0 for mod_id without quotes '0'?

I could go on with the installation and when the installer tried to INSERT INTO phpbb_easymod there is coming naturally the next error message:
Executing SQL: INSERT INTO phpbb_easymod ( mod_title, mod_file, mod_version, ...)

Progress :: . Done
Result :: Some queries failed, the statements and errors are listing below

Error :: Table 'stayhuman_org_-_messageboard.phpbb_easymod' doesn't exist

EasyMod is installed. I can login to it and it seems to work. So shall I install the table within phpMyAdmin Contral Panel? What could be the effect if there is not such table?
... any % of U is as good as the whole pie ...

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Homepage: https://www.spearhead-home.com

Registered User
Posts: 7219
Joined: Tue Nov 16, 2004 8:54 pm
Location: Florida, US

Re: sql table fails to install

Post by Nightrider »

Jtrumpfheller, are you attempting to install EM 0.0.11a too? If so, you really should be attempting to install EM 0.3.0 instead...

