Moduls in ACP

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Discuss features as they are added to the new version. Give us your feedback. Don't post bug reports, feature requests, support questions or suggestions here. Feature requests are closed.

Re: Moduls in ACP

Post by agent00shoe »

XyonN wrote: I must say, I've been struggling trough the ACP for quite a while, but my opinion is that it has become way to large, to complicated en lost most of it's user friendlyness compared to phpBB 2.

Why, oh why has it become so clunky?

You can change the ACP to make it look exactly like the current phpBB ACP if you want. That's one of the reasons it's so much better now. :o

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Re: Moduls in ACP

Post by EXreaction »

XyonN wrote: I must say, I've been struggling trough the ACP for quite a while, but my opinion is that it has become way to large, to complicated en lost most of it's user friendlyness compared to phpBB 2.

Why, oh why has it become so clunky?

To large and complicated? I am just about ready to start complaining about lack and vagueness of permissions available! :mrgreen:

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Re: Moduls in ACP

Post by syskhann™ »

:arrow: hi , first of all, i want to thanks developers for this beautiful board... Secondly, i ask you to know if mod autogroup and cp merge are in olympus or not ??... thank you for your answer... ;)

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Re: Moduls in ACP

Post by Highway of Life »

EXreaction wrote:
XyonN wrote: I must say, I've been struggling trough the ACP for quite a while, but my opinion is that it has become way to large, to complicated en lost most of it's user friendlyness compared to phpBB 2.

Why, oh why has it become so clunky?
To large and complicated? I am just about ready to start complaining about lack and vagueness of permissions available! :mrgreen:

Haha... me too... actually, I am writing up a whole new tab of permissions... not quite enough in there for me...

With as big as the ACP is (and it does need to be big), it really can't be any less... 'bulky', but once you get around it, it's not bad at all... and could stand to have a few (dozen) extra options, IMO. :D

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Re: Moduls in ACP

Post by Alexis Canver »

module info files have two blank function:

Code: Select all

	function install()

	function uninstall()
how use this, any small sample ?

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Re: Moduls in ACP

Post by Acyd Burn »

Currently it is only a placeholder.


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Re: Moduls in ACP

Post by Dr.Death »

Maybe a hint for all MODDERS:

All new permission sets should be in a global new permission tab: MODS

I saw differents MODs using all their own permission TAB.... maybe the ACP will be overloaded if every new MOD have it own permission tab ?


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