The future of phpBB(4)?

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Re: The future of phpBB(4)?

Post by soundboy »

One feature that I saw recently in vBulletin is usage of AJAX for editing posts. No page reloading. Sweet!

And yes, I agree with jimmygoon. phpBB 3 is feature frozen. Yes, we know that... who cares? People are just discussing board features, not making formal feature suggestions to the developers. Lighten up.

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Re: The future of phpBB(4)?

Post by SpecHackers »

well AJAX, sounds to be good, and PHPBB 4.0

yes that would happen but would take atleast 4-5 yrs from now, there would major changes in PHP. i think there is hardly enough functions left out in php to come out with PHPBB 4.0
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Re: The future of phpBB(4)?

Post by jimmygoon »

Just a thought, but think about how your computer works. How are the programs able to interact without having to hack the files and edit stuff... how are they able to be updated independently of each other. Obviously PHP and C/C++ are different and obviously an operating system has a lot more code but could a system not be built that operated off of that philosophy.

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Re: The future of phpBB(4)?

Post by Dog Cow »

jimmygoon wrote: Just a thought, but think about how your computer works. How are the programs able to interact without having to hack the files and edit stuff... how are they able to be updated independently of each other. Obviously PHP and C/C++ are different and obviously an operating system has a lot more code but could a system not be built that operated off of that philosophy.

But there are more layers.

Websites such as phpBB run on top of PHP
And both PHP and C++ run on top of the operating system.
And the operating system runs on the hardware.


Re: The future of phpBB(4)?

Post by agent00shoe »

phpbb developers: Tell me what phpbb 6 will be like plz.


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Re: The future of phpBB(4)?

Post by harmlessgoat22 »

woh, I'll be in the AARP by the time phpBB6 comes out, and that's over 30 years from now :D
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Re: The future of phpBB(4)?

Post by Mike.XIII »

phpBB6? lol
Unfortunately by that time I probably won't have the time for maintaining a forum like I do now :(

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Re: The future of phpBB(4)?

Post by Highway of Life »

Mike.XIII wrote: phpBB6? lol
Unfortunately by that time I probably won't have the time for maintaining a forum like I do now :(

That's where the AI Admins come in handy. Standard feature by phpBB6. :D

I love this thread!
It's giving me great feedback for a lot of MODs I've been working on for Olympus.
Helps to know what everyone wants. :D
I'm bookmarking this topic.
Uchiha Nick wrote: Quick Reply: even though I can see the usefullness of it, this is a 'do_it_yourself_feature'. which isnt that hard. just make a field which links to the file that works it through.
This is true... if you want a basic dirty version this will work. (for the basic programmer), But why re-invent the wheel when there are so many good QR MODs out there??? Plus, not EVERYONE can MOD a forum!
Uchiha Nick wrote: DHTML: maybe, though polls are IMHO not that hard for pageloads
I think if one wanted to cut down on the page loads, I can see the confirmation pages being the first to disappear.
Uchiha Nick wrote: Better default smilleys: you would like that- I for one love the current ones :)
I was going to do the :sick: smiley, but it does not exist... hmm...
Uchiha Nick wrote: Un-Deletion: making a special 'garbage' forum to move all the threads to is all you need. this simply uses resources which wouldnt be necessairy
BTW, the "revive topic/post" or "undelete" feature from vB... that's called "Soft Delete", a very neat feature indeed.
And although most phpBB boards are forced to use a "garbage" forum for deleted topics and posts, I believe a TON of Moderators would love to see this MOD/feature added... it just makes life that much easier, and allows the Admins/Super-Moderators to see what has been deleted, and why.
Uchiha Nick wrote: Karma: now, this is a widely discussed subject.. Karma systems dont work. why? look at the way people are. ( I dont like you! neg reps. OMG but I DO like that character! nep-rep for ya n00b ) this is a pure example, I for one visit a lot of forums which use these kind of systems. and it happens.
It doesn't have to be this way... I have seen it implemented correctly... though never on a phpBB board.
Uchiha Nick wrote: WYSIWYG: apparantly you dont know about browsers and all. want to know why Dreamweaver/Frontpage are hated? because of the WYSIWYG part. WYSIWYG makes it look good in one browser, but in the other it completely sucks. aside from that, it changes existing code- which I hate with a passion. ( you try finishing a school assignment site- which MUST be made using DW. I accidently click on the site in preview, and there you have it- my whole code was screwed to death )
Dreamweaver is hated? That's not true at all. (Frontpage, maybe ;) )
I don't think you understand what a WYSIWYG editor can do, along with PHP...
It works cross-browser, you should really try it sometime... especially on a vB board. ;)
Uchiha Nick wrote: 1) EasyMOD is good for that IMHO :-) having it build-in... why not. well, not all people want to install mods, and if you see the needed 'install support'- which would heavily increase, that's a no-go I am afraid. besides, if I want something- Ill mod it myself
I think it's alright that it's third-party, but I do believe that it will become integrated with phpBB by default in the future, which, IMO is a good move. ;)
Uchiha Nick wrote: 2) Auto-Updater. now that- THAT would be damn usefull. this helps webmasters who are not 24/7 available. I would love this. but- in combination with EasyMOD/MODs it might prove to be a disaster- changed code and all
Might not be too bad if you just have the "There is a new version available, click yes to update". :D
Oh yeah!!! top of my MOD developement list! this is a must-have. ;)

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Re: The future of phpBB(4)?

Post by Sovereign »

The MOD Install system with vB works very well...I've used it and it drove me to switch...

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Re: The future of phpBB(4)?

Post by Spectral Dragon »

Interesting thread :)

A comment I wanted to throw out there is that it might be a good idea for the dev's to "recharge" and think over a few development decisions such as the split in the development lines and how they should handle it before continueing the development line into 3.2 and 2.2. Then again, I have no idea what's going on behind the scenes and much thought has probably been given to such things allready. Still, after having taken a break they should be able to approach this somewhat refreshed. Thier decision entirely of course.

A few ideas i've been having (besides the ones allready put out there,) is a few changes in the avatar system such as:
  • Personal Avatar Gallery, with the ability to show and hide this from other users and the option to have all uploaded avatars kept in a personal folder. (I've brought this up somewhere else before, can't find the link though)
  • Admin/Mod ability to approve of an avatar before allowing a user to display it
  • Use of avatar as a link to the user's profile.
Some more thoughts i'd like to throw out there:
  • A more Dynamic forum setup option which integrates forum styling and creating new fora.
  • The ability to create your own style in the admin panel via selecting options to be changed. For example you could have an upload system for different pics used such as the background image, forum header, and forum divider. You could likely also give dynamic choices as to what goes where, such as put the header to the side instead of on top, for example, and an easy way to add more links to the header simply by selecting the option in what could be a link management system which spreads throughout all the styles. I admit I don't know much about coding phpbb but I imagine this would be a big project.

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