Beta 2 live?

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Discussion of general topics related to the new release and its place in the world. Don't discuss new features, report bugs, ask for support, et cetera. Don't use this to spam for other boards or attack those boards!
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Re: Beta 2 live?

Post by brucecw »

everlast365 wrote: can this beta 2 be used live? or should we wait?

From what I've seen Beta 2 should be stable enough to run if you know what you're doing. However my guess is (Paraphrasing J P Morgan about the price of yachts), if you have to ask a question like this then you don't - no offense intended.

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Re: Beta 2 live?

Post by Khael »

everlast365 wrote: can this beta 2 be used live? or should we wait?

If you need to ask then no.. its a very bad idea.

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Re: Beta 2 live?

Post by Rotsblok »

I second that

@ Highway: Nice post ;)
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Re: Beta 2 live?

Post by Ectoman »

A_Jelly_Doughnut wrote: Sam, some of us old fogeys might remember a user called "AJ Riddle".

And they are somehow related to me? Because we have the same first name? Look at my join date.. I have been a strong supporter, coder and modifier of phpBB since version 1. I wrote one of the most popular tutorials (atleast the first) on how to integrate phpBB with the rest of your site.. and you can expect the same thing on how to integrate Olympus.
Highway of Life wrote: Are some experts doing it? You betcha, me included. But you won't find me asking for support. If I fall into a pile of dog woops for running a live board, it's my own stinkin' fault.

Exactly. I know my way around php, mysql, and phpBB especially.

It sounds like a bunch of people do not understand the "No Support Policy". They will not give you support if you are running it live and come across a problem that makes part of your site not work. They WILL give support for bugs you find, and security flaws you find. This is how phpBB is able to be developed.. and evolved.

As highway said.. if you are running the site and you find yourself in a pickle. And do not know how to fix it yourself, you are stuck. But you can put in a bug tracker request and make sure it is fixed in future versions.. if it hasn't already been fixed in the CVS.

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Re: Beta 2 live?

Post by Waleed »

Ectoman wrote:
Highway of Life wrote: Are some experts doing it? You betcha, me included. But you won't find me asking for support. If I fall into a pile of dog woops for running a live board, it's my own stinkin' fault.

Exactly. I know my way around php, mysql, and phpBB especially.

Has this turned into a brag thread? The first post was from a one-hit-wonder who obviously did not know anything about recent discussions regarding phpBB3 beta releases and why the devs won't offer support during the Beta phase. Suddenly everyone is telling each other how good they are at php/mysql. :roll:

(not aimed at you particularly ecto); So what if you know how to upgrade from a cvs to beta x? The problem is, not everyone who uses phpbb can do it, myself included. If I were to take Beta2 live and start a forum which, by the time Olympus turns Gold, has gotten a million posts and a thousand members...what would I do? How would I get to the final release? I would be stranded; the devs would roll thier eyes at me and everyone else here would tsk, tsk, tsk me. So where do I go? That's right -- I am stuck. My forum members are stuck, and the million posts they made will be gone. Unless I decide to continue usig Beta2...

But then what if a humungous security hole is discovered in Beta2, which the dev team patches in the next cvs. I'm still using the Beta2 board, aren't I? Where do I go now?

No support is offered for beta software -- for a reason, and a good one at that. Highway put it quite well.
Ectoman wrote: It sounds like a bunch of people do not understand the "No Support Policy". They will not give you support if you are running it live and come across a problem that makes part of your site not work. They WILL give support for bugs you find, and security flaws you find. This is how phpBB is able to be developed.. and evolved.

That's the purpose of Beta software. People who know how the program works can test it on a large scale and point out anywhere the developers have stumbled.

addendum: Area51 is a phpBB3 board. Not sure if it's up to the lastest CVS, but it'll be a beta2 atleast. But then this board is run by the people who have made this system, so no problem there.

Again, the key is people who know php/mysql/phpbb.

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Re: Beta 2 live?

Post by Ectoman »

Waleed wrote: Has this turned into a brag thread?

Sure why not?

I can read a change log and update my files.

I'm just sick of all the threads that tell EVERYONE they shouldn't use beta live no matter what.. OR ELSE!

Its really more of a.. if you have to ask, you can't run it live situation..

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Re: Beta 2 live?

Post by D@ve »

To keep short and simple: If you don't have the experience to determine (for your self) if you are able to use Olympus on a live system or not: Don't do it!

Best regards from Germany,
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