Ok, I have uploaded all the files specified to the correct folder. I have run he installer, yet it ceases to work, when installing, it says:
Code: Select all
Critical Error
FIND FAILED: In file [includes/usercp_viewprofile.php] could not find:
$donate_points = '<br />' . sprintf($lang['Points_donate'], '<a href="' . append_sid("pointscp.$phpEx?mode=donate&user_id=" . $profiledata['user_id']) . '" class="genmed" title="' . sprintf($lang['Points_link_title_2'], $board_config['points_name']) . '">', '</a>')
MOD script line #247 :: FAQ :: Report
My second forum, the one I'm using, is completely dedicated to the RPG. It's link is hidden, I can reveal it to you all if you need it. (By hidden, I mean no one on my site has a clue it even exists.) Please help me! The only other MODs installed are the ones neccesary for the MOD to work. (CASH and Zarath Item Shop)