How can I undo all alterations atfer installing a Mod?

Wondering why that MOD you have won't install correctly? Let's take a look
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How can I undo all alterations atfer installing a Mod?

Post by sergefa »

I installed EM and then tried to install the shoutbox mod but after 3 step a got the following messages
Warning: ftp_put() [function.ftp-put]: Can't open that file: Permission denied in /home/sergefa/public_html/forum/admin/em_includes/em_ftp.php on line 1102

Warning: ftp_put() [function.ftp-put]: Can't open that file: Permission denied in /home/sergefa/public_html/forum/admin/em_includes/em_ftp.php on line 1102

Warning: ftp_put() [function.ftp-put]: Can't open that file: Permission denied in /home/sergefa/public_html/forum/admin/em_includes/em_ftp.php on line 1102

Warning: ftp_put() [function.ftp-put]: Can't open that file: Permission denied in /home/sergefa/public_html/forum/admin/em_includes/em_ftp.php on line 1102

Warning: ftp_put() [function.ftp-put]: Can't open that file: Permission denied in /home/sergefa/public_html/forum/admin/em_includes/em_ftp.php on line 1102

Warning: ftp_put() [function.ftp-put]: Can't open that file: Permission denied in /home/sergefa/public_html/forum/admin/em_includes/em_ftp.php on line 1102

After that there is the message:
Step 3 of 3
Installation Complete!

When returning to my forum I see the shout box but inside the shoutbox there is the message:
General error
Could not get shoutbox information


SQL Error : 1146 Table 'sergefa_phpb1.phpbb_shout' doesn't exist

SELECT s.*, u.user_allowsmile, u.username FROM phpbb_shout s, phpbb_users u WHERE s.shout_user_id=u.user_id ORDER BY s.shout_session_time DESC LIMIT 0, 20

Line : 98
File : shoutbox_view.php

What am I to do now and how can I get to square one and undo all alterations?
Any help would much appreciated.
Thank you min advance!
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Re: How can I undo all alterations atfer installing a Mod?

Post by Nightrider »

Strange errors. Did the EM install go smoothly? Who is your host? Check the file permissions on your admin/em_includes/em_ftp.php file and compare it to your phpBB root file permissions, such as viewtopic.php, search.php, etc. If your host requires the file permissions to be set to something other than 644, make sure to change the em_ftp.php file permissions to match...

On your second problem with the Shoutbox MOD, if there were no SQL queries included in the MDO script that needed to be applied to your database, check for a DB Update file. Check the Author's Notes for instructions of what you need to do to update your database...


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How can I undo all alterations atfer installing a Mod?

Post by sergefa »

You are quite write there is a shoutbox_db_update.php file and I had to run it prior to shoutbox Mod installation and I didn't and I guessed I messed up the whole process as I do have a shoutbox but inside there is a message :
General error

Could not get shoutbox information


SQL Error : 1146 Table 'sergefa_phpb1.phpbb_shout' doesn't exist

SELECT s.*, u.user_allowsmile, u.username FROM phpbb_shout s, phpbb_users u WHERE s.shout_user_id=u.user_id ORDER BY s.shout_session_time DESC LIMIT 0, 20

Line : 98
File : shoutbox_view.php

I tried to run shoutbox_db_update.php in the hope it was not too late but got the message 'You have no access' (It's my translation from Russian, maybe in original English it would be different).

All my folders in the forum root directory are -drwxr-xr-x, a file folder (attachment mode folder) is drwxrwxrwx
viewonlone.php and index.php and 3 shoutbox files are -rw-r-r
and shoutbox_db_update.php is rwxrwxrwx
All ather files are in the forum root directory -rwxr-xr-x
admin/em_includes/em_ftp.php file is -rw-r-r

EM installation ran smoothly except for the abopve mentioned warning messages in the end of the step 3 there was the message:
Step 3 of 3
Installation Complete!

Doesn't it mean that EM installation was okey?
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Re: How can I undo all alterations atfer installing a Mod?

Post by Nightrider »

You can edit the shoutbox_db_update.php file and remove the part that is preventing you from running it in your browser...

Ok, do this:



Code: Select all

// End session management

if ($userdata['user_level']!=ADMIN)
      message_die(GENERAL_ERROR, $lang['Not_Authorised']); 
Save and upload to your phpBB root folder, then run from your browser...


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Re: How can I undo all alterations atfer installing a Mod?

Post by sergefa »

Thank you very much. Your advice worked like a charm. So far so good. I am trying to get in touch with the shoutbox author to ask him about his second mod called "Extra permission", I didn't quite undestand what it is exactly for but I read that the shoubox might not work without this Mod. Now that I see that everything works I wonder whether I didn't get crossed my wires somehow somewhere. But the way I have rhe same problem by running extra_perm_db_update.php the instruction says I should before installing. Anyway it's not urgent now as the shoutbox works. Now I can test Easy Mod on something else
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Re: How can I undo all alterations atfer installing a Mod?

Post by Nightrider »

Congratulations sergefa!!! Image

Good Luck with the Extra permission MOD. I hadn't heard of it before now. Hopefully if this is the same author that created the Shoutbox MOD, he will have made his two MODs compatible with each other. I can't imagine why (s)he wouldn't...

If you have any additional questions, comments, or concerns, don't hesitate to speak up. If I can, I will be more than happy to help you...

