Lieutenant Clone wrote:
How many people read the manual first (or ever!)? I know most people dont, even if they do find that documentation directory.
I agree with you on that point. I vary rarely use the users manual unless I'm hopelessly stuck.
Lieutenant Clone wrote:
But at any rate, I find the permissions in 3.0 to be horridly frightening and hard to use. The 2.0 permissions were so straight forward, and made sense, but this new system I cant wrap my head around. And when I do think I understand, I get unexpeted results 8O .
See, phpBB2 permissions was
too basic. Not enough Control. It was Admin, Forum Mod, Global Mod, and User. That was pretty much it besides individual forums for certain groups.
Now with 3.0, we have (almost) complete control.
Work with it a lot, you'll pick it up, but to be as extensive as it is, it needs to be that "daunting", there really is no way around it, and is up to an Admin to learn how to work it, or use the manual.
Me, I love it... could no longer live without it!
Infact, I'm going to work on some MOD's to add even more permission control.