Waited for BETA, for nothing.

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Re: Waited for BETA, for nothing.

Post by DragonlordP »

Richy wrote: This really sucks, I bet it's going to be another long as wait for RC. I bet it'll only be released in like late July/August or something.
I really doubt that it will take another three and a half years until RC is released. I certainly HOPE that it will be as soon as July/August. Things are going very well on planet phpbb lately, if you can't see it stop moaning and/or go use something else, jesus. One or two months more is too much for you for your FREE software huh? I've waited for two and a half years and I don't complain.
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Re: Waited for BETA, for nothing.

Post by Grok »

balding_ape wrote: I'm not really sure I'd want to inject beta software into any production environment. It's just borrowing trouble, and I have enough of that already. ;)
This board is a live environment. Seems to work just fine.

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Re: Waited for BETA, for nothing.

Post by DragonlordP »

This is a TEST board run by the team themselves. If you feel you're good enough with php and phpbb to make sure you can fix it if something comes up, go ahead and use the beta, no-one's stopping you. Each one runs their boards on their own risk. If this board breaks, the team will fix it (and after all it's only a test board), if yours breaks can you say the same?
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Re: Waited for BETA, for nothing.

Post by balding_ape »

Grok wrote:
balding_ape wrote: I'm not really sure I'd want to inject beta software into any production environment. It's just borrowing trouble, and I have enough of that already. ;)
This board is a live environment. Seems to work just fine.
If I was able to develop phpBB, then I'd probably be a bit more comfortable using it in a production environment, eh?

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Re: Waited for BETA, for nothing.

Post by Richy »

Acctually, most software they provide beta - to - beta upgrades.

An example, Firefox 1.5.
Another, vBulletin
Another, Invision Power Board
I can go on...

I decided i'll use this on a live community, and upgrade manually if the upgrades arnt provided.
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Re: Waited for BETA, for nothing.

Post by Cheater512 »

Well Richy the dev team did say that they would provide upgrades if it was possible.
There just isnt any guarentee that something big will have to be changed.

Things like Firefox dont have upgrade scripts.
Their data files are just backwards compatible. :P

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Re: Waited for BETA, for nothing.

Post by Yoda_IRC »

Cheater512 wrote: Things like Firefox dont have upgrade scripts.
Their data files are just backwards compatible. :P
I thought the files changed whn FF moved to the 1.5 line?

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Re: Waited for BETA, for nothing.

Post by MHobbit »

How was I not surprised that there would be at least one ungrateful user...
Can somebody explain to me, wtf is going on? Because I cant use phpBB3 on my forums until I know they going to provide upgrade scripts, its fricken stupid not too!
The beta was meant for testing, not for actual use in a live environment. That being said, try installing it yourself if you haven't already. I have it installed locally, for one, and I haven't really encountered any overwhelming bug! If you want to help test the convertors and/or upgrade tools you'll be able to when they're released; as it's been said, the latest that should be is the time phpBB 3.0RC1 is released. Also, upgrades may be provided (they also may not be), as per the announcement. Nothing was guaranteed one way or the other. ;-)

And yes, Beta1 seems to have been pretty much what was in CVS at the time of release (or a little before). And what else about that then? The packaged Beta1 now has public exposure and it seems that the beta was a good thing. Look at the amount of bugs reported in our bug tracker relating to phpBB 3.0 Beta1. CVS allows our multiple developers to contribute to the same codebase. Were you expecting that Beta1 would be totally different from what was in CVS?

Honestly, if you want to see phpBB 3.0 go gold, start contributing, rather than complaining about whatever lack of elements you notice...
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Re: Waited for BETA, for nothing.

Post by Wert »

Grok wrote:
balding_ape wrote: I'm not really sure I'd want to inject beta software into any production environment. It's just borrowing trouble, and I have enough of that already. ;)
This board is a live environment. Seems to work just fine.
Why do folks always ignorantly assume that was is running here on area 51 is always exactly what is being offered to the public at any given time?

And since folks don't have admin access to the version running on area 51, how are they able to state without doubt that "everything is running fine".
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Re: Waited for BETA, for nothing.

Post by stubbers »

Welll.... I'd love to test the beta but the first time I tried to download it I only got a fraction of the archive for some reason... And now I can't get it at all I've tried upwards of 10 sourceforge mirrors... Could the team please host the download on phpbb.com instead of the unreliable sourceforge network (or both) at least until yet another problem gets sorted out!

I would like to test the software but it's a little hard when I can't even get to it!!!!


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