I am working to convert one of my MODs to Olympus..so that when it is gold I will be ready with both a new install/upgrade for it.
I know previously no support was given to this task and i understand that..however I have a question regarding how phpBB wants mods to be done and wonder are they now accepting questions on this track since we are @ beta?
Reason I ask is I note from the code that it seems they would like you to place your language files in ./language/xxx/mods/
Code: Select all
// Get mod files
$mods_files = filelist($phpbb_root_path . 'language/' . $config['default_lang'], 'mods', $phpEx);
$mods_files = (isset($mods_files['mods/'])) ? $mods_files['mods/'] : array();
Code: Select all
function filelist($rootdir, $dir = '', $type = 'gif|jpg|jpeg|png')
So is it the case thats the best location? Will there be a small set of guidelines for MOD writters for this type of stuff before gold?