I don't think that's very smart. Though what the phpBB Developers release are naturally going to be good, remember, as per the provided scenario, it'd just be an alpha of sorts. There are alternatives: alternatives that are much more mature and have been updated through the years.Pharaoh Atem wrote: I would!![]()
Also, you need to give your crew more credit! You KNOW how the code works because you made it, and therefore you can make a better Portal than others! If you dedicate SOME time to it, it can be done and you can have quite a few happy people with phpBB's official portal system!
Also, when its finished, I hope to integrate phpBB Portal into Partly Modded phpBB. For now, we do not have a portal for it, and my friend and I are considering many things, but we prefer phpBB's own stuff!
Honestly, as per the above, if there's something out there that does what you need, by all means use it. Don't wait for something just because you know it's coded by good developers... there are other good developers out there too. At least, there are alternatives that are mature as well.
You're also assuming that the phpBB Portal will be finished. Who said it was going to be worked on? Didn't Acyd Burn just say above that currently it looks like it won't be revisited? /shrug