I kinda am glad that phpBB3 is not coming out soon... err, at least in 2 months! I am moving and I will probably not have internet access for two months, so I know I won't miss anything. Here is how I know: There are TOO MANY bugs to be done, and as soon as you all get your hopes up, the number of bugs doubles. So, I suggest you continue to get your hopes up, at least for the month of June 8O
Besides, I need to go buy a new dedicated server, the one I have is full of Partly Modded phpBB and AdvancedArticles installations (lots of testing and bug fixing!)... This next dedicated server is just for phpBB3, so as soon as I have it, a slew of bugs will be reported!
Some of you are gonna be mad about this, but think about it this way: MORE BUGS FIXED!! Yeah! This means that our favorite forum software will be more stable than before! Although I think phpBB3 has gotten pretty stable.... Wait, I probably shouldn't say that...