this is exactly opposite to reality.R45 wrote: It depends on the size of your board. If you have a very large board, you might be inclined to use phpbb fulltext and scale down the system, as the mysql fulltext doesn't scale well.
hoever badly mysql fulltext scales, it is still hugely superior to the way phpbb built-in search mechanism scales.
with a large board (and i dont mean really large. several tens of thousands of messages are enough), with phpbb built-in mechanism, most of the database space will go to the search tables and indexes, and since every post will have to insert dozens of new rows to those tables, the simple operation of posting becomes unbearably slow.
ttbomk, all the large phpbb boards in existence had to either tweak or completely disable the search function (the best and most popular tweak, ttbomk, utilizes mysql fulltext search...).
even, which is "religiously vanilla", could not continue to operate with the built-in search mechanism and had to modify it somewhat.
this is true for the phpbb2 built-in search, but, from looking in the code i think olympus uses exactly the same mechanism.
in conclusion: if you use mysql, there is not a single advantage to using the built-in search over mysql fulltext search, and there are numerous significant disadvantages, especially in storage space and performance.
though this is true with any size board, it becomes much more apparent with large boards.