Install error
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Install error
Hello, when I go to install EasyMod, and I click Submit, it takes me back to my forum telling me to log in. I have done this many times, and it's all one big loop. I have cookies enabled, can anyone help me?
Re: Install error
Check your cookie settings (if you will change anything then restart your browser). If it won't work then use this advice:
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ReadMe ver. 0.0.4 for EasyMOD ver. 0.3.0 (on-line at sourceforge)
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My page: DOM, Javascript, SQL - tips&scripts (mostly in Polish, sorry
ReadMe ver. 0.0.4 for EasyMOD ver. 0.3.0 (on-line at sourceforge)
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My page: DOM, Javascript, SQL - tips&scripts (mostly in Polish, sorry
Re: Install error
I read the topic, but it still doesn't help me.
Re: Install error
Be sure to enable cookies in your browser. I've tested that it works with FireFox browser, I don't know how if this works at Internet Exploder.
How To Ask Questions The Smart Way.
ReadMe ver. 0.0.4 for EasyMOD ver. 0.3.0 (on-line at sourceforge)
Recent problems that are not answered in the ReadMe.
My page: DOM, Javascript, SQL - tips&scripts (mostly in Polish, sorry
ReadMe ver. 0.0.4 for EasyMOD ver. 0.3.0 (on-line at sourceforge)
Recent problems that are not answered in the ReadMe.
My page: DOM, Javascript, SQL - tips&scripts (mostly in Polish, sorry
Re: Install error
I use firefox and cookies are enabled
Re: Install error
OK... Here's a fix for it:
This should work in most cases. If you will get redirected by clicking some link, then go back in the history, copy the part with the sid (&sid=...) and paste it in the address bar.
Code: Select all
#-----[ OPEN ]-------------------------------------
#-----[ FIND ]-------------------------------------
$variables['LINK'] = $link;
#-----[ REPLACE WITH ]-------------------------------------
$variables['LINK'] = append_sid($link);
#-----[ FIND ]-------------------------------------
$variables['U_FORM'] = $phpbb_root_path . $script_path . 'easymod_install.'.$phpEx;
#-----[ REPLACE WITH ]-------------------------------------
$variables['U_FORM'] = append_sid($phpbb_root_path . $script_path . 'easymod_install.'.$phpEx);
#-----[ FIND ]-------------------------------------
$variables['U_FORM'] = $phpbb_root_path . $script_path . 'easymod_install.' . $phpEx;
#-----[ REPLACE WITH ]-------------------------------------
$variables['U_FORM'] = append_sid($phpbb_root_path . $script_path . 'easymod_install.' . $phpEx);
#-----[ FIND ]-------------------------------------
$variables['U_FORM'] = $phpbb_root_path . $script_path . 'easymod_install.'.$phpEx;
#-----[ REPLACE WITH ]-------------------------------------
$variables['U_FORM'] = append_sid($phpbb_root_path . $script_path . 'easymod_install.'.$phpEx);
#-----[ FIND ]-------------------------------------
$variables['U_FORM'] = $phpbb_root_path . $script_path . 'easymod_install.'.$phpEx;
#-----[ REPLACE WITH ]-------------------------------------
$variables['U_FORM'] = append_sid($phpbb_root_path . $script_path . 'easymod_install.'.$phpEx);
#-----[ FIND ]-------------------------------------
$variables['U_FORM'] = $phpbb_root_path . $script_path . 'easymod_install.'.$phpEx;
#-----[ REPLACE WITH ]-------------------------------------
$variables['U_FORM'] = append_sid($phpbb_root_path . $script_path . 'easymod_install.'.$phpEx);
#-----[ FIND ]-------------------------------------
$variables['U_FORM'] = $phpbb_root_path . $script_path . 'easymod_install.'.$phpEx;
#-----[ REPLACE WITH ]-------------------------------------
$variables['U_FORM'] = append_sid($phpbb_root_path . $script_path . 'easymod_install.'.$phpEx);
#-----[ FIND ]-------------------------------------
$variables['U_FORM'] = $phpbb_root_path . $script_path . 'easymod_install.'.$phpEx;
#-----[ REPLACE WITH ]-------------------------------------
$variables['U_FORM'] = append_sid($phpbb_root_path . $script_path . 'easymod_install.'.$phpEx);
How To Ask Questions The Smart Way.
ReadMe ver. 0.0.4 for EasyMOD ver. 0.3.0 (on-line at sourceforge)
Recent problems that are not answered in the ReadMe.
My page: DOM, Javascript, SQL - tips&scripts (mostly in Polish, sorry
ReadMe ver. 0.0.4 for EasyMOD ver. 0.3.0 (on-line at sourceforge)
Recent problems that are not answered in the ReadMe.
My page: DOM, Javascript, SQL - tips&scripts (mostly in Polish, sorry
Re: Install error
It worked, thank you very much!
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- Joined: Tue Nov 16, 2004 8:54 pm
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Re: Install error
Nux, what does this fix do exactly? Is this the solution when people get the login problem and have their cookies set to anything other than / ???

Re: Install error
This is a real fix for the login issue - it ads the sid to all urls in the forms so that users will stay logged in even if their cookies are disabled or their is something wrong with them.
How To Ask Questions The Smart Way.
ReadMe ver. 0.0.4 for EasyMOD ver. 0.3.0 (on-line at sourceforge)
Recent problems that are not answered in the ReadMe.
My page: DOM, Javascript, SQL - tips&scripts (mostly in Polish, sorry
ReadMe ver. 0.0.4 for EasyMOD ver. 0.3.0 (on-line at sourceforge)
Recent problems that are not answered in the ReadMe.
My page: DOM, Javascript, SQL - tips&scripts (mostly in Polish, sorry
- Registered User
- Posts: 7219
- Joined: Tue Nov 16, 2004 8:54 pm
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Re: Install error
That's good to know. Thanks Nux...