Code: Select all
UPDATE phpbb_users SET user_totallogon = '1' WHERE user_totallogon = '0' AND user_session_time <> '0';
UPDATE phpbb_users SET user_totaltime = (user_session_time - user_lastlogon) WHERE user_totaltime = '0' AND user_lastlogon > '0';
< & > is not supported?SQL PROCESSING HALTED
An error was encountered while processing the SQL commands. Further SQL processing has been halted. You may choose to complete the MOD installation anyway and perform the SQL commands manually yourself. However, at this point EM cannot guarantee the MOD will work correctly so you are best off seeking support from the Author before continuing further.
The failed line was:
UPDATE phpbb_users SET user_totallogon = '1' WHERE user_totallogon = '0' AND user_session_time <> '0';;
Erreur de syntaxe près de ';> '0'' à la ligne 1