We're very pleased to release EasyMOD version 0.3.0
EasyMOD is an automatic MOD installer. It does in seconds what used to be the laborious and time-consuming task of manually editing files. EM will install EasyMOD Compliant (EMC) MODs and will try to install all other MODs, as well. For most users, MOD installs should be completely automated. There are break points during the installation, so you can check what EM proposes to do before it makes any permanent changes.
Author's Notes
This release fixes several bugs and one security issue, but it also comes with several new features. One of the most important changes is it includes a back ported version of the SQL Parser that is being written for the EasyMOD re-write (see notes for MOD Authors below). It also includes two extensions available from the History Details report (Delete MOD Record and Restore Backups). The help system available in the installer panels has been completed and it is also available from the EasyMOD Settings panel in the AdminCP.
The only major feature missing is an uninstaller, which is definitely planned before version 1.0.0. This version still lacks a certain degree of polish, and the SQL and COPY commands may still be a bit buggy, but nothing show-stopping. This is the 13th public release of the program and most parts are battle-tested.
Please refer to the changelog for more details.
MOD Authors:
- This release of EasyMOD supports all official MOD Template actions.
- Learn all about the proposed SQL Command implementation.
- Check the syntax of your SQL/DDL statements using the online conversion tool.
- Help us make a better SQL Parser for EasyMOD. Don't hesitate to use the SQL Parser forum to report any issues you may find.
- Initial efforts have already been taken to document how best to write MODs for EM (EasyMOD Compliance). A key to success will be getting MOD Authors to write their MODs so they don't clash with other MOD installations. Our goal is to present a method that is as clear, reasonable, and unobtrusive as possible.
Downloading EasyMOD
EasyMOD is available for download from the sourceforge.net project page in three different formats: Installing EasyMOD
- Download the archive of the latest EasyMOD.
- Extract it into the admin/ directory of your phpBB2 installation. The proper directory hierarchy should be phpBB2/admin/mods/easymod/. The image below shows a proper setup.
- Before proceeding, make sure subSilver style is installed in your board and also, make sure the english language files are present.
- From a web browser, open your your board and make sure you're logged in as administrator, then open http://www.example.com/forum/admin/mods/easymod/easymod_install.php, where www.example.com/forum is the URL (and path) to your board, and the installer will guide you through everything. No modifications will occur before warning you first.
- If you configure EasyMOD to use FTP access, make sure you, as the owner, have write permission on ALL your phpBB files (CHMOD 755).
Upgrading EasyMOD
It is advised that you remove any previous admin/mods/easymod/ directories. Once they are out of the way, just follow the install instructions above. EasyMOD will figure everything else out.
Post installation/upgrade (optionally)
Once EasyMOD has been installed, please enter the AdminCP and try to install a MOD. If everything looks good, you can then remove the admin/mods/easymod/ directory and all of its contents. Although it is safe to keep it (anyone else but admins can launch the installation, even if they try the installer will report this EM version is already installed and die) it is not used anymore.
* NOTE: Please, see below for additional fixes that this version of EM may need:
- Choose from some fully-automated installation methods and some manual methods, as well. You decide what's best for you!
- The modified files generated can be:
- written directly to server (requires write access in the mods/ directory).
- written to a buffer and FTP'd into place (requires FTP access).
- written to a tmp file and FTP'd into place (requires PHP FTP extension).
- downloaded to your local machine.
- written on screen in a separate browser window (requires you to be sadistic
- If you are satisfied with the modifications, the files can then be moved into place:
- by the copy command (fully automated: requires write access to ALL directories, from phpBB root downward).
- via FTP (fully automated: requires FTP access):
- by default, using fsockopen().
- alternately, using the PHP FTP Extension.
- by executing a script (fully automated: requires permission to run scripts).
- manually (requires your time
- SQL processing for all supported DBMS types.
- MD5 hashing and Blowfish encryption to protect sensitive data.
- Preview Mode allows for viewing how proposed changes will look in a file.
- Robust installer.
- The program is ready to accept translations for multiple languages.
- Support for ALL MOD Template functions.
- Install MODs to all installed themes.
- Install MODs to all installed languages.
- Automatically backups up files before modifying. (You should still make your own backups, though!)
- Continued processing if non-English or non-subSilver file fails. You decide if you want to continue or not.
- Password protected. Even administrators cannot access EM unless the board owner gives them the password.
- Object oriented programming. Classes could be used in other programs.
- Install EMC MODs.
- Try to install non-EMC MODs.
- Settings Adminstration Control Panel.
- Installed MODs history Adminstration Control Panel.
- View MOD script from the install screen by clicking a link.
- Security-conscious every step of the way.
- MOD script line numbers appear wherever they will be helpful.
- Convenient install debugger.
- And more!
EasyMOD is going international! Translations of lang_easymod.php are needed! Several translations have been completed in the past, but they will need to be updated for all of the new language variables in this version. Translations will be available in this topic.
If you have translated EasyMOD into a language that's not already available there, please send your translation to wGEric via PM.
Version History
A complete list of changes to the EasyMOD code, including past versions, can be found here.
Language Pack History
A complete list of changes to the EasyMOD language variables, including past versions, can be found here.
IRC Support
A support channel, #easymod, is registered on the freenode.net IRC network (irc.freenode.net). After reading the phpBB IRC rules, feel free to drop in and ask a question. Several team members are usually there, but please don't flood the channel with support requests. Note that this channel is for EasyMOD discussion only.
Enjoy! 8)