Problem installing Easymod

Having problems installing EM? Let's fix that
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Problem installing Easymod

Post by SolarisZen »

A few things. First Easymod does not have FTP access. I have direct access to the server. The server is a Linux based server.

I've followed the basic instructions and got it installed in ACP and my sql database. I even chmod'ed the director to 777 and all files to 666. Now here is the problem.

When setting up easymod, pointing to the appropriate address. I get the following in advance mode.

Let's see what you have for file access. You do not need everything to read 'ok'.
read access :: OK
write access :: No
root path write :: OK
chmod access :: unattempted
unlink access :: unattempted
mkdir access :: unattempted
tmp path write :: OK
FTP extension :: module not loaded
Safe Mode :: OFF
copy access :: OK
As you can see write access is off. Thus, when setting up the option for Easymod I get the error

Testing selected write method
ACCESS ERROR: phpBB does not have permission to write to the EasyMOD directory.

Write stuff about checking permissions and how to.
Easymod also doesn't seem to have access to copy of the directory even though in advance mode it says its able to.

Here is the debug information.

(formatted for forum posting)
EM installer v0.2.1a wrote: phpBB version: 2.0.17
Working Dir: /var/www/html/area51/admin/mods/easymod
Install Step: 3
Mode: debug
The Error wrote: No error.
Permissions: (including system errors)
read access :: OK
write access :: No
root path write :: OK
chmod access :: unattempted
unlink access :: unattempted
mkdir access :: unattempted
tmp path write :: OK
FTP extension :: module not loaded
Safe Mode :: OFF
copy access :: OK

write: buffer & ftp
move: automated FTP

Selected settings:
ftp dir:
ftp host:
ftp port:
ftp debug: false
ftp ext:
ftp cache: false

CWD Listing:

Code: Select all

drwxr-xr-x includes
drwxr-xr-x em_includes
-;rw-r--r-- easymod_display_functions.php
-;rw-rw-rw- index.html
drwxr-xr-x .
drwxrwxrwx ..
drwxr-xr-x templates
-;rw-r--r-- easymod.gif
-;rw-r--r-- easymod_install.php~
-;rw-r--r-- easymod_install.php
drwxr-xr-x languages

Not testing FTP since it is not being used.

So any sujestions?
Its not about left vs right, america vs europe, christans vs islam, red vs blue, liberals vs republicans etc. Its about stoping Nazism at all cost! Whether they be from the old of germany under hitler (WW 1 and 2) or that of bush draped in the red white and blue, under the disguise of fighting 'terror' and bringing 'democracy and freedom,' it is STILL wrong! Genecide is Still not right! no matter WHAT the reason is!

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Re: Problem installing Easymod

Post by Nux »

If you can, then you should change apache conf(iguration) file so that the user and the group will be the same as the owner of the files.

Alternatively you may change the owner of the files of your forum to the currently set apache user (usually "apache").

The path for the configuration file (for apache) should be something like:
  1. Linux:
  2. Windows (I'm not sure if it would be needed but just to be sure):
In general look for *httpd.conf file(s).

The configuration to change will probably be:

Code: Select all

User apache
Group apache
Last edited by Nux on Mon Oct 24, 2005 10:04 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Problem installing Easymod

Post by SolarisZen »

thanks for the quick reply! that fixed it!
Its not about left vs right, america vs europe, christans vs islam, red vs blue, liberals vs republicans etc. Its about stoping Nazism at all cost! Whether they be from the old of germany under hitler (WW 1 and 2) or that of bush draped in the red white and blue, under the disguise of fighting 'terror' and bringing 'democracy and freedom,' it is STILL wrong! Genecide is Still not right! no matter WHAT the reason is!

Windows, welcome to 1985 technology and the trolls that drive it !
