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[quoteafc4e] Hated Pegasus (sorry dhn).[/quoteafc4e]
No need to apologize. Pegasus needs a lot of time until you can really dig the user interface. First I also was a little lost but there is no way that I will now use another client (unless the one the Mozilla team is developing is improving as much as the browser).
BTW I hope all you Outlook (Express) Users have disabled html mails, haven't you? :p
i think this thread has turned into ie vs. mozilla
personally i can't get mozilla to render my site like ie does currently i'm running eudora for my email - but it's been kina slow lately. might have to try mozilla mail... just have 1 question: can you store the emails in a seperate file? i keep all my emails on an external drive so i can take it with me easily when i'm on the road with my laptop.
I had a question about The Bat!. I am trying to get the sorting office feature to wrk the way I want. I've got it set up with rules that will move incoming messages to certain folders, but I want to know how to get it to execute those rules on the messages already in the inbox. Does anyone know how to do this?
Well, I was fiddling with my [b9feca]The Bat![/b9feca] config. I had originally had it setup in [b9feca]My Documents[/b9feca] as its directory, but it was cluttering things up. So I tried changing the folder that it was putting stuff in, and managed to botch things up really good . It looked like it had deleted everything in [b9feca]My Documents[/b9feca], but it really just moved them all to the new folder. *beep* me off something vicious though, so I scrapped it.
Damn my dupes, but I will stick with Outlook. The .pst files are just too handy.
I started with Eudora back in '95... I stuck with it for quite a long time.
Then, in '97 - '98 I used Pegasus and NS Mail for checking my college accounts while at school.
In '99 to present I've used Outlook and Outlook Express on windows and Kmail on linux. I'd like to give Evolution a try too but when I first tried to install it, v0.00 developer release it was a real b**ch to get working so that kinda soured me on the whole thing...but thats what I get for using bleeding edge software..heh
I like outlook, if I could find something almost identical to it in Linux I would be very happy (Evolution comes the closest).
James 'theFinn' Atkinson
Founder & ex-Contributor 'On a long enough timeline the survival rate for everyone drops to zero...' - Jack, Fight Club http://www.thefinn.net
Just searched through some of my older topics I found out that I am the only one using Pegasus Mail here. Therefore I revive this thread and I demand votes for Pegasus!