Umm Ok I don't know jack about my sql, and I had the same problem. I kinda stumbled across a solution:
the first error I got was:
Result :: Some queries failed, the statements and errors are listing below
Error :: Invalid default value for 'mod_id'
SQL :: CREATE TABLE phpbb_easymod ( mod_id mediumint(8) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0'
auto_increment, mod_title varchar(50) NULL DEFAULT '', mod_file varchar(255) NULL DEFAULT '', mod_version varchar(15) NULL DEFAULT '', mod_author_handle varchar(25) NULL DEFAULT '', mod_author_email varchar(100) NULL DEFAULT '', mod_author_name varchar(100) NULL DEFAULT '', mod_author_url varchar(100) NULL DEFAULT '', mod_description text NULL DEFAULT '', mod_process_date int(11) NULL DEFAULT '0', mod_phpBB_version varchar(15) NULL DEFAULT '', mod_processed_themes varchar(200) NULL DEFAULT '', mod_processed_langs varchar(200) NULL DEFAULT '', mod_files_edited mediumint(8) NULL DEFAULT '0', mod_tables_added mediumint(8) NULL DEFAULT '0', mod_tables_altered mediumint(8) NULL DEFAULT '0', mod_rows_inserted mediumint(8) NULL DEFAULT '0', PRIMARY KEY (mod_id))
This is probably nothing to worry about, install will continue. Should this fail to complete you may need to seek help at our development board.
The second was:
Error :: Table 'raaabo.phpbb_easymod' doesn't exist
SQL :: INSERT INTO phpbb_easymod ( mod_title, mod_file, mod_version, mod_author_handle, mod_author_email, mod_author_name, mod_author_url, mod_description, mod_process_date, mod_phpBB_version, mod_processed_themes, mod_processed_langs, mod_files_edited, mod_tables_added, mod_tables_altered, mod_rows_inserted) VALUES ( 'EasyMOD', 'easymod/easymod_install.php', '0.1.13', 'Nuttzy', '
[email protected]', 'n/a', '', 'EasyMOD automatically perfoms in seconds which previously required the tedious task of manually editing files.', 1107083321, '2.0.11', 'subSilver', 'english', 0, 1, 0, 1)
When I tried to manually add SQL code to create the table I got the first error again. SQL said there was an error in the mod_id default field, so I just deleted
auto_increment and ran the SQL command again. Worked this time. Then I ran the second (INSERT INTO) SQL command and that worked too... in case you guys wanna try my solution here's the code:
First enter this CREATE TABLE SQL command in your phpMyAdmin:
Code: Select all
CREATE TABLE phpbb_easymod ( mod_id mediumint(8) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', mod_title varchar(50) NULL DEFAULT '', mod_file varchar(255) NULL DEFAULT '', mod_version varchar(15) NULL DEFAULT '', mod_author_handle varchar(25) NULL DEFAULT '', mod_author_email varchar(100) NULL DEFAULT '', mod_author_name varchar(100) NULL DEFAULT '', mod_author_url varchar(100) NULL DEFAULT '', mod_description text NULL DEFAULT '', mod_process_date int(11) NULL DEFAULT '0', mod_phpBB_version varchar(15) NULL DEFAULT '', mod_processed_themes varchar(200) NULL DEFAULT '', mod_processed_langs varchar(200) NULL DEFAULT '', mod_files_edited mediumint(8) NULL DEFAULT '0', mod_tables_added mediumint(8) NULL DEFAULT '0', mod_tables_altered mediumint(8) NULL DEFAULT '0', mod_rows_inserted mediumint(8) NULL DEFAULT '0', PRIMARY KEY (mod_id))
Then run this INSERT INTO SQL command:
Code: Select all
INSERT INTO phpbb_easymod ( mod_title, mod_file, mod_version, mod_author_handle, mod_author_email, mod_author_name, mod_author_url, mod_description, mod_process_date, mod_phpBB_version, mod_processed_themes, mod_processed_langs, mod_files_edited, mod_tables_added, mod_tables_altered, mod_rows_inserted) VALUES ( 'EasyMOD', 'easymod/easymod_install.php', '0.1.13', 'Nuttzy', '[email protected]', 'n/a', '', 'EasyMOD automatically perfoms in seconds which previously required the tedious task of manually editing files.', 1107083321, '2.0.11', 'subSilver', 'english', 0, 1, 0, 1)
Hope this helps someone, and doesn't screw things up more
Remember, this just worked for me, and since I'm an SQL n00b, I don't really recommend my own advice. Use it at your own peril