It would be great to have a simple API for working with BBCode. This would make it a lot easier for MOD authors to include such functionality in their MODs. The new class would be called phpbb_message (working title) and act as a wrapper around the existing functions. It should use conventions where possible to reduce the effort required to use it.
Storing messages
First you have to set everything up. You can use allow_*() or allow() to set options.
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$text = request_var('text', '', true);
$message = new phpbb_message($text);
// these all default to true
// or a shorter API
$message->allow_formatting(false, false, false);
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// since your db fields may use a prefix, e.g. prefix_bbcode_uid, you may need to set it
// if you want to use store(), you will have to specify which field to store the text in:
// you can also use:
$message->configure('text', 'prefix_');
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$sql_ary = array(
'some_field' => $some_field,
this returns:
'prefix_text' => $text,
'prefix_bbcode_uid' => $bbcode_uid,
'prefix_bbcode_bitfield' => $bbcode_bitfield,
'prefix_options' => $options,
$sql_ary = array_merge($sql_ary, $message->store());
// shortcut (pass-by-reference)
// in case you want to use prefix_enable_bbcode, prefix_enable_urls and
// prefix_enable_smilies instead of the prefix_bbcode_options bitfield,
// you'll have to use one of these:
$sql_ary = array_merge($sql_ary, $message->store(true));
$message->store_merge($sql_ary, true);
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// you can also access the attributes individually using
First it must be set up.
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// $row from db
$message = new phpbb_message($row);
$message->configure('text', 'prefix_');
// of course you can also use
$text = request_var('text', '', true);
$message = new phpbb_message($text);
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// diplay it
echo $message->display();
// or even (using toString)
echo $message;
Decoding messages means converting them as bbcode, for example to edit them. This is really as easy as displaying them:
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// $row from db
$message = new phpbb_message($row);
$message->configure('text', 'prefix_');
// convert to bbcode
echo $message->to_bbcode();
// alias
echo $message->decode();
- tracker ticket
- interface spec
- wiki docs
- implementation