Repeating topic title in each post..

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Should the subject line be removed from post-replies?

Yes please. No need to enlarge the db with repeating text.
No thanks, I prefer it the way it is now.
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Repeating topic title in each post..

Post by Dragosvr92 »

I was browsing some posts on the blizzard forums and noticed they have no repeating post subject, like phpbb does. They have instead the number of the post to link to.

Each topic, on any forum platform has one main title.
Why must each post have the option to give it a new subject, or just repeat the same text hundreds of times ?
I dont see any good use of it and it enlarges the database with lots of useless-repeating text.

Their layout seems easier to read as after you read post1, you move your eyesight to the next text which is the next post, not the next post title/subject and then the post... Maybe phpbb4 could go for a layout alike theirs? :?:

EDIT: Having the Repeated topic subject seems to cause seo issues too.. ... e5964.html

/Edit: Added poll.
Last edited by Dragosvr92 on Thu Aug 21, 2014 2:36 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Repeating topic title in each post..

Post by mrgtb »

It would be a good idea to remove the "RE:TOPIC TITLE" in further posts after the first one. When you moderate and split posts to start a new thread with, you end up having to also edit each post title renaming it (to new thread title), otherwise you have a new thread with one title and all posts moved to it showing a different title. That makes splitting posts from threads to start a new one with a pain really, which wouldn't happen if the RE: TOPIC TITLE didn't get displayed after first post.

Also noticed, if the first post has a long topic title using all words allowed in it (without the RE:) added. When the RE: gets added to replies the post title ends up getting cut off short in all replies
Last edited by mrgtb on Tue Jun 17, 2014 8:44 pm, edited 3 times in total.

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Re: Repeating topic title in each post..

Post by Master_Cylinder »

RE: is a standard; I'd want to keep it.
These kids today...
Buy them books, send them to school and what do they do?

They eat the paste. :lol:

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Re: Repeating topic title in each post..

Post by mrgtb »

RE: is not a standard, take this topic on XenForo and see how no RE: is used in replies. ... ost-781263

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Re: Repeating topic title in each post..

Post by Qiaeru »

Yeah, +1 to remove it, nobody change it anyway, so it's completely useless and unnecessarily overload the page.

PS: If kept, can we allow the use of Re{L_COLON} (it's harcoded actually).

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Re: Repeating topic title in each post..

Post by Dragosvr92 »

@Master_Cylinder, Please explain what is it a standard for...
People know that a reply is an answer to a topic, without having to see "Re:" and the same topic title being repeated in each post.

vBulletin and IPBoard also dont have a repeating subject title.
Last edited by Dragosvr92 on Tue Jun 17, 2014 8:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Repeating topic title in each post..

Post by Louis7777 »

MyBB and SMF, on the other hand, have it...

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Re: Repeating topic title in each post..

Post by John P »

+1 to remove
Topic title repeating over and over again is useless

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Re: Repeating topic title in each post..

Post by Louis7777 »

Why was it initially there?

Can we analyze the pros (if there are any) and cons?

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Re: Repeating topic title in each post..

Post by mrgtb »

Point is the Pro's removing it outweigh keeping it their. There's no SEO benefit to be had from it, not when repeating the same thing "over and over" in each posts title. The benefits of making splitting posts to a new thread title is obvious, no need to edit RE: Title in every post moved to it, so is getting getting rid the title cut off problem when a title is long and RE: gets added in replies causing title cut off to happen at times.

It's serves no real purpose being there as pointed out, replies don't need thread title included and would make moderating posts more user friendly in general with it not being their. You already have a Post Anchor in the little image displayed before the By: Author

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