phpBB 3.1 Information and Status

General discussion of development ideas and the approaches taken in the 3.x branch of phpBB. The current feature release of phpBB 3 is 3.3/Proteus.
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phpBB 3.1 Information and Status

Post by Oleg »

Previous topic: viewtopic.php?f=81&t=35709

I decided to create a new topic for 3.1 status as the previous topic had some useful information not on the first page.

The information here is reasonably up-to-date, and is being updated as things happen.


3.1-a1 will be ready for release as soon as all blocker bugs are completed.


The following are new or changed requirements since 3.0.
  • PHP 5.3.3 or later is required. RFC
  • PostgreSQL, if used, must be 8.3 or later. RFC
Last edited by EXreaction on Sat Jun 29, 2013 2:14 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: Update status info

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RFC Policy

Post by Oleg »

RFC Policy
  • Bug fixes for bugs in 3.0 may go into 3.0, subject to the approval of 3.0 release manager (bantu).
  • Bug fixes for bugs in 3.0 that are deemed to have too high risk to benefit ratio will go into 3.1.
  • New functionality should be implemented off develop, which is future 3.1.
  • All pull requests that are merged before 3.1 alpha is released will be merged into 3.1. This includes any new features covered by RFCs.
  • All new functionality that is not finished by the time 3.1 alpha is released will go into 3.2.

phpBB 3.1 is now in the feature / RFC freeze. This means that we have a set of features that we would like to ship as part of 3.1, and new feature proposals should be made against phpBB 3.2.

There are three main exceptions to this rule:

  1. Dependencies of already accepted RFCs. An RFC may be split into multiple RFCs to keep change sizes manageable. For example, extensions and migrations RFCs were split from the hooks RFC.
  2. Community contributions. 3.2 RFCs that are implemented and merged before 3.1 reaches alpha will be moved and merged into 3.1. We will announce when 3.1 reaches alpha.
  3. Fixes for existing issues that are too big for 3.0.
We have a number of RFCs marked as accepted for 3.1 that have no code and a number of RFCs with code that are incomplete. At this time, we plan to release 3.1 alpha when hooks are finished, and any RFCs that are not finished by then will be moved to 3.2.

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Progress by RFC

Post by Oleg »

Progress by RFC

Below, "merged" means the feature is in develop branch and effectively finished. "Patch in progress" means there is a complete or incomplete patch either in the ticket or in the RFC topic. Complete patches are complete according to patch submitters. These patches need to be reviewed, and if no issues are raised can be merged as is. Incomplete patches are those where either the submitter stated that additional work is needed or "complete" patches that were reviewed and comments or objections raised. "RFC only" means either there is no code attached to either the ticket or the RFC topic, or there is code which is potentially relevant but not in a form of patch for the particular RFC; in other words, essentially work on these RFCs has not started.

Merged (arranged roughly from more user-visible to less so): Patch in progress:
  • SQLite 3.0+ Support RFC Ticket
    Status: PR submitted but needs further changes
  • Updated BBcode engine RFC Ticket
    Status: partial implementation - discussion is in RFC topic - implementation needs to be finished
  • Cleaning up the ACP UI RFC Ticket
    Status: unmerged patch in tracker - needs to be reviewed and merged
  • HipHop for PHP compatibility RFC Ticket
    Status: patch submitted - some comments in the RFC topic
  • WYSIWYG Editor/Rich Text Editor RFC
    Status: GSoC Project but there have been 2 partial implementations. 1 needs smilies and custom BBcodes support. The other was abandoned.
  • Extension Meta-data file RFC
    Status: Not something that can be merged but things that make use of it are part of the extensions admin.
  • Remove un-necessary permissions RFC
    Status: Working out which permissions should be removed
  • Style Specific Language Variables RFC
    Status: PR is awaiting review.
  • Contact Form RFC
    Status: WIP by naderman
  • Reply to PMs Permission RFC
    Status: PR awaiting review
RFC only:
  • Changing IP banning to use "longest prefix matching" RFC Ticket
  • Session Backend Abstraction (memcache support) RFC Ticket
  • Pre-Compile Template Includes RFC
  • Overridable imageset and theme paths for CDNs RFC
  • Simple message API RFC Ticket
  • Use composer.json for styles and track phpBB version RFC Ticket
As you can see, there are several features which have been implemented and need to be reviewed. While patch merging is done by phpBB developers anyone can review submitted patches and provide comments. Of course, for RFCs that do not have a complete implementation everyone is welcome to contribute code as well.

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Obtaining phpBB 3.1

Post by Oleg »

Obtaining phpBB 3.1

You can download up-to-date 3.1 snapshots using these links: (tar.gz) (zip)

Install them as you would any phpbb release, this includes fresh installs and updates.

Quick Install at the moment is incapable of using 3.1 tree for itself, that is, the sources/phpbb directory must contain 3.0 tree. I'm also not sure whether quick install is capable of directly installing a 3.1 tree. What is possible is installing a 3.0 tree, copying 3.1 tree over into the new board and running the database updater.

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Testing phpBB 3.1

Post by Oleg »

Testing phpBB 3.1

How to test a particular feature in 3.1:

1. Go to the list of RFCs in this topic, pick a feature you want to test. "Patch in progress" features are incomplete, and the following instructions apply to them. To test "Merged" features, download the current 3.1 snapshot as described in the post directly above.

2. Follow the link to the RFC topic.

3. Determine the location of the latest patch. This is done by scanning posts backwards from the most recent post looking for things like "work in progress is: <github url>". In case of timezone topic this is the post.

Since this scanning can be tedious I will be gradually updating the first posts of RFCs with the current patch links, and I have done so for the timezone RFC. However for the time being you might have to look through a few posts to determine what code should be tested.

4. Follow the link to current patch on github.

5. Click on "Source" link in top left corner. It should be already highlighted, click it again.

6. You should now see "Downloads" link on top right where "develop <-> feature/new-tz-handling" was previously. Click there.

7. Under "Download source", download the tree as either a zip file or a tar.gz file depending on your operating system. Make note of "branch: feature/new-tz-handling" - this should match the RFC you are trying to test.

8. Use the downloaded package to perform a clean install or an update of an existing board.

9. Test and post results in the RFC topic.

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Post by Oleg »

Upgrading from 3.0

If you replace your style files with 3.1 compatible ones before the database update, then custom styles stay installed.

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Re: phpBB 3.1 Status

Post by Danielx64 »


The "Removal of subsilver2" RFC, am I correct that subsilver2 will be staying in the package?

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Re: phpBB 3.1 Status

Post by DavidIQ »

Yes. That is why it's under "rejected".

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Re: phpBB 3.1 Status

Post by davew »

Excuse my ignorance of the process. Can I sign on to test 3.1?

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Re: phpBB 3.1 Status

Post by Danielx64 »

davew wrote:Excuse my ignorance of the process. Can I sign on to test 3.1?
Yep, just follow the info at the post "Testing phpBB 3.1"
