Support Request Template

Temporary forum to obtain support while is offline.
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Temporary forum to obtain support while is offline.
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Support Request Template

Post by NeoThermic »

When asking for support, please copy and paste the following template into your post. Failure to do this will result in it being requested, and a delay in providing an answer.

The following is the basic SRT
Your board's URL:
Version of phpBB3:
Was this a fresh install or a(n) update/upgrade/conversion (please be specific)?
If update, what package(s) did you use?
Did you use an automated wizard provided by your host to install phpBB?
MODs you have installed:
When the problem started:
Your level of expertise (be honest):

Additionally, you may wish to provide the following (where applicable)
Template(s) used:
Language(s) used:
Version of PHP used:
Database and version used:
Test account*:

*A test account (username/password) may be helpful if team members need to view a page hidden to guests.

Code: Select all

Please provide us with the information necessary to assist you by filling out the [url=]Support Request Template[/url].
Last edited by Erik Frèrejean on Sun Feb 08, 2009 9:58 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Reason: Added template with back link
phpBB release date pool!
The a well of information. Ask me for the bit bucket so you can drink its goodness. ||新熱です
