08: Be Style Conscious

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Re: 08: Be Style Conscious

Post by Ptirhiik »

But as you say "If you are able to catch all the mod descriptions included in a mod pack", I just asked how would you imagine this?
The easiest way is always the better : how would you do with a pack you've just downloaded ? Opening it and check for all files to find the one that are pertinents in all dirs of the pack seems to the correct way to proceed, and also the natural one. You will also get an high priority regarding the root directory of the pack, and a less priority regarding the sub-dirs. At end, you will probably pick-up the install description suiting your configuration.

The process will be so : exploring all the pack tree, getting all the files being an install description, proposing in a list with the directory name and the install desc name and comments, sorting it propbably by the dir name and install desc name, and running the ones choosen.

The remark about the language and/or template was a generic one, not specialy at your attention.

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Re: 08: Be Style Conscious

Post by Rondom »

What do you think about looking in a special directory for them? /em_styles/xyzstyle and /em_langs/xyzlang

CU ROndom
