Code: Select all
copy path/to/file/in/mods/package to path/to/where/it/goes/in/phpbb
I am using the latest version, beta 0.1.13.
Code: Select all
copy path/to/file/in/mods/package to path/to/where/it/goes/in/phpbb
Code: Select all
COPY local_path/*.* TO remote_path/*.*
Code: Select all
copy admin_file.php to admin/admin_file.php
Code: Select all
copy admin/admin_file.php to admin/admin.php
totally agree.Ptirhiik_ wrote: Yep, I've noticed this : it seems that the first pass only ensure the validity of the sentence, but not that it can be performed (same thing for the sql process part).
Code: Select all
---- In line AFTER ---
,topic title, topic desc
---- in line AFTER ADD ---
,xxx ,xxx