I have been working with MODs and EasyMOD for a long time. While I do not work with the phpBB or EasyMOD team, I have developed a few general rules for when you install MODs with EasyMOD. (Note that these rules do not apply with installing EasyMOD with EasyMOD, everything you need to know about installing EasyMOD can be found here.
1. Keep the entire MOD handy and read ALL the instructions. EasyMOD ignores certain parts of the install.txt or install.mod file, and the parts it ignores could be special instructions. For example, if you need to chmod any files, the author's notes usually says that. If there are any special notes next to bits of code, you need to know about it, etc., etc., etc. Read the install file before you start installing your MOD!
2. Backup everything related to your MOD! THIS IS THE MOST IMPORTANT STEP. EasyMOD makes its own backups, but they are not completely reliable, and if you need to uninstall a MOD, you're on your own (as of now (version 0.1.13 Beta 1), EM doesn't have an uninstaller yet). If your MOD includes any SQL statements, backup your database! Go to the ACP and choose Backup Database, and choose a full backup. This will generate an entire SQL file of your full database, which you can use to restore your site if necessary.
3. It's okay to edit your install file if need be! Remember in those days before EasyMOD? If you couldn't find the exact code you were looking for because it had slightly changed, you would broaden your search, until you found something similar? Then you would do your action on the code?
Or, as another example, your install file contained two parts (in the same install file) and you only wanted to install one of them? You just ignored the other part, right?
But EasyMOD isn't smart enough to recognize this. EasyMOD will install (or attempt to install) the ENTIRE MOD, and as soon as one little part of your install file is incorrect, EasyMOD will immediately display "error" and you won't be able to go on.
But it is okay to edit your install file. If you want to skip a section of code, delete it. If there is an error, go to the line # specified by EasyMOD in your install file. Then, open the backed up file the code in question is referring to, and broaden your search until you find the similar code. Then replace the code in question with the code that is in the file.
When you are done editing your install file, replace the install file that is uploaded in admin/mods/.
4. Be prepared to do things yourself. EasyMOD is only beta software, and is not guaranteed to perform on everything life throws its way. That's why you're there. The most often case of this is with SQL statements. Sometimes, EM has a problem with an SQL statement and cannot perform it. If that is the case, you just go ahead and pull up phpMyAdmin or something and take care of it yourself. BE PREPARED TO DO STUFF LIKE THAT.
5. Always test your board after you installed your MOD. THIS THE SECOND MOST IMPORTANT STEP. I have made mistakes on this before which has cost me my whole board. EasyMOD may seem so easy to use, that you just want to install all of your MODs, boom, boom, boom. Not true. You need to test your board after EACH MOD you install. Test the boards especially in the sections they were meant to edit. Make sure EVERYTHING works and there are no errors. If everything works, you installed your MOD! If everything doesn't work, try contacting the MOD author or go to the appropriate topic in the phpBB Community.
6. Only install MODs from the phpBB MODs Database. This is one of the most simple rules, yet it is the one the most people disobey. MODs from the MODs Database are the only guaranteed "safe" MODs. While other MODs out there may be safe, all MODs in phpBB's database have been thoroughly checked by the phpBB MOD Team, who work hand in hand with the phpBB Developer Team. The MOD Team checks the MOD for functionality, correctness, and security, and only then, do they approve it to the MODs Database for public download.
While the phpBB MODs Database may not have the "coolest" MODs, they do have the safest. What's more, each MOD on the database gets its own topic in the phpBB Community (look in the MOD Release Announcements & Support forum) where you can go to get support from the MOD author, the MOD Team, and other MODders (like me!).
If you try to install a MOD from another source, go ahead, but we cannot guarantee it will work correctly. If it is already on the MODs database, download it from there, and if it's not, try asking the author to add it to the MODs database.
There's my general rules for the Best Way to Install MODs with EasyMOD. Happy MODding!
If you need support with any MODs submitted to the database, I might be able to help. Send a private message to Fountain of Apples in the phpBB Community.
The Best Way to Install MODs with EasyMOD
Forum rules
DO NOT give out any FTP passwords to anyone! There is no reason to do so! If you need help badly enough, create a temporary FTP account that is restricted to only the files that you need help with and give the information for that. Giving out FTP information can be very dangerous!
DO NOT give out any FTP passwords to anyone! There is no reason to do so! If you need help badly enough, create a temporary FTP account that is restricted to only the files that you need help with and give the information for that. Giving out FTP information can be very dangerous!
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Re: The Best Way to Install MODs with EasyMOD
I wouldn't say MODs in phpBB.com's MOD Database have no security problems. We are human and sometimes miss things.
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Re: The Best Way to Install MODs with EasyMOD
Well, close enough.