Could not successfully update table. Install cannot complete

Having problems installing EM? Let's fix that
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DO NOT give out any FTP passwords to anyone! There is no reason to do so! If you need help badly enough, create a temporary FTP account that is restricted to only the files that you need help with and give the information for that. Giving out FTP information can be very dangerous!
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Could not successfully update table. Install cannot complete

Post by Kobus »

Updating EasyMOD table data
Storing config table entries: Done

Executing SQL: INSERT INTO phpbb_easymod ( mod_title, mod_file, mod_version, mod_author_handle, mod_author_email, mod_author_name, mod_author_url, mod_description, mod_process_date, mod_phpBB_version, mod_processed_themes, mod_processed_langs, mod_files_edited, mod_tables_added, mod_tables_altered, mod_rows_inserted) VALUES ( 'EasyMOD', 'easymod/easymod_install.php', '0.3.0', 'Nuttzy', '[email protected]', 'n/a', '', 'EasyMOD automatically perfoms in seconds which previously required the tedious task of manually editing files.', 1165331941, '2.0.21', 'subSilver', 'english', 0, 1, 0, 1)

Progress :: . Done
Result :: Some queries failed, the statements and errors are listing below

Error :: Table 'phpbb2_adapt.phpbb_easymod' doesn't exist
SQL :: INSERT INTO phpbb_easymod ( mod_title, mod_file, mod_version, mod_author_handle, mod_author_email, mod_author_name, mod_author_url, mod_description, mod_process_date, mod_phpBB_version, mod_processed_themes, mod_processed_langs, mod_files_edited, mod_tables_added, mod_tables_altered, mod_rows_inserted) VALUES ( 'EasyMOD', 'easymod/easymod_install.php', '0.3.0', 'Nuttzy', '[email protected]', 'n/a', '', 'EasyMOD automatically perfoms in seconds which previously required the tedious task of manually editing files.', 1165331941, '2.0.21', 'subSilver', 'english', 0, 1, 0, 1)


Could not successfully update table. Something is wrong and install cannot complete.

Expanded Debug Info
(formatted for forum posting)
EM installer v0.3.0 wrote: Update EM from: 0.2.0
phpBB version: 2.0.21
Working Dir: C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\Adapt\admin\mods\easymod
Install Step: 7

The Error wrote:
Could not successfully update table. Something is wrong and install cannot complete.

Permissions: (including system errors)

read access :: OK
write access :: OK
root path write :: OK
chmod access :: OK
unlink access :: OK
mkdir access :: OK
tmp path write :: OK
FTP extension :: OK
Safe Mode :: OFF
copy access :: OK

Additional System Information:

System: Windows NT Z01FTP01 5.0 build 2195
Configure Command: cscript /nologo configure.js "--enable-snapshot-build" "--with-gd=shared"
PHP version: 5.2.0
register_globals: OFF
magic_quotes_gpc: OFF
magic_quotes_runtime: OFF
allow_url_fopen: ON
sockets_support: N/A

write: server
move: copy

Selected settings:
write: server
move: copy
ftp dir: /
ftp host: localhost
ftp port: 21
ftp debug: false
ftp ext: fsock
ftp cache: false

CWD Listing:

Code: Select all

drwxrwxrwx . 
drwxrwxrwx .. 
-rw-rw-rw- easymod.gif 
-rw-rw-rw- easymod_display_functions.php 
-rw-rw-rw- easymod_install.php 
drwxrwxrwx em_includes 
drwxrwxrwx includes 
drwxrwxrwx languages 
-rwxrwxrwx post_process.bat 
drwxrwxrwx templates 

Not testing FTP since it is not being used.

Any help would be appreciated.



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Re: Could not successfully update table. Install cannot complete

Post by Nightrider »

Make sure that the username assigned to connect to your phpBB database has full privileges, including append, insert, delete, create, etc. You would check these settings in your Host CPanel, typically in the MySql utility...

Changing Database Username Privileges

I have seen several different flavors of this in MySql, so what you see may be slightly different from what I'm posting below. It should give you a good idea of where to look and what to do though...

Next to the database in MySql, you should see something like this icon. Click on it:


That should take you to your MySQL database management page. At the bottom, you should see a section named Database users. Click on this icon:


That should bring you to the Edit privileges page that may or may not look something like this. I have seen several different versions on this page but you should be able to figure out what to change:


After pressing the Submit button, you should be able to finish the EM install..


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Re: Could not successfully update table. Install cannot complete

Post by Kobus »

Thanks for the reply.

I am sure that the user has the right permissions as I specified the root user created when I did the MySQL DB install. I'll check and make sure about that in the morning.

I forgot to mention that this is a installation on a Win 2K Pro with IIS 6 and not hosted by an ISP or anything.

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Re: Could not successfully update table. Install cannot complete

Post by Nightrider »

Other than not having the correct privileges to update the database, I can't think of anything else that could prevent EM from updating the database. Good luck with it tomorrow Kobus...


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Re: Could not successfully update table. Install cannot complete

Post by Kobus »

It helps to sleep over a problem :D

I created a new user for my phpBB db and granted the user full access.

Re-run the installation and still received the same error message.

Using MySQL Query Browser, I tried to executed the same SQL Statement directly on the DB but still got the same error message.

Right I thought, lets try to remove the offending bit of SQL out of the statement and try that. It worked a charm. It created the table without problems then. The changed statement looked like this:

CREATE TABLE phpbb_easymod (
mod_id mediumint(8) NOT NULL auto_increment,
mod_title varchar(255) NULL DEFAULT '',
mod_file varchar(255) NULL DEFAULT '',
mod_version varchar(15) NULL DEFAULT '',
mod_author_handle varchar(25) NULL DEFAULT '',
mod_author_email varchar(100) NULL DEFAULT '',
mod_author_name varchar(100) NULL DEFAULT '',
mod_author_url varchar(100) NULL DEFAULT '',
mod_description text NULL, <== Removed DEFAULT ''
mod_process_date int(11) NULL DEFAULT '0',
mod_phpBB_version varchar(15) NULL DEFAULT '',
mod_processed_themes varchar(200) NULL DEFAULT '',
mod_processed_langs varchar(200) NULL DEFAULT '',
mod_files_edited mediumint(8) NULL DEFAULT '0',
mod_tables_added mediumint(8) NULL DEFAULT '0',
mod_tables_altered mediumint(8) NULL DEFAULT '0',
mod_rows_inserted mediumint(8) NULL DEFAULT '0',
PRIMARY KEY (mod_id))

It seems that MySQL 5.0.27 doesn't like to have a default value specified when creating the table for datatype of TEXT.

I then went back to the ACP and changed the EM version setting to a lower value and re-run the installation.

It told me that the table was created previously and didn't make any changes (it seems) to the table structure, skipping the bit of SQL that caused my problem.

The installation then continued and finished without any other problems!

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Re: Could not successfully update table. Install cannot complete

Post by Nightrider »

That was some good detective work. This is the first time I have seen this as a problem. I hope it isn't a sign of things to come. But if it is, we now have a workaround for it, thanks to you...

Congratulations Kobus!!! Image

If you have any additional questions, comments, or concerns, don't don't be shy about asking for assistance. If I can, I will be more than happy to help you...


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Re: Could not successfully update table. Install cannot complete

Post by stefhelm »

had the same problem, and this fixed it. thanks! :D

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Re: Could not successfully update table. Install cannot complete

Post by Nightrider »

I'm glad that Kobus found a workaround for this problem for you and everyone else in your situation. It appears that this might be an increasing problem as others upgrade to MySql 5.0.27 or higher...


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Re: Could not successfully update table. Install cannot complete

Post by adslpx »

OK, I am having the same problem as Kobus had.

I ran what he specifies above.

After my install this is what I received.

Does this mean my install is OK?

admin_easymod.php, looking for: admin_easymod.php

mod_install.tpl: verifying existence

Updating EasyMOD table data
Storing config table entries: Done

Executing SQL: INSERT INTO phpbb_easymod ( mod_title, mod_file, mod_version, mod_author_handle, mod_author_email, mod_author_name, mod_author_url, mod_description, mod_process_date, mod_phpBB_version, mod_processed_themes, mod_processed_langs, mod_files_edited, mod_tables_added, mod_tables_altered, mod_rows_inserted) VALUES ( 'EasyMOD', 'easymod/easymod_install.php', '0.3.0', 'Nuttzy', '[email protected]', 'n/a', '', 'EasyMOD automatically perfoms in seconds which previously required the tedious task of manually editing files.', 1165602007, '2.0.21', 'subSilver; ca_aphrodite; forum_5489; forum_10511', 'english', 0, 1, 0, 1)

Progress :: . Done
Result :: No errors

Storing processed files table


Could not obtain EasyMod information

Expanded Debug Info
(formatted for forum posting)
EM installer v0.3.0 wrote: Update EM from: 0.2.0
phpBB version: 2.0.21
Working Dir: /forum/admin/mods/easymod
Install Step: 7

The Error wrote:
Could not obtain EasyMod information

Permissions: (including system errors)

read access :: OK
write access :: OK
root path write :: OK
chmod access :: OK
unlink access :: OK
mkdir access :: OK
tmp path write :: OK
FTP extension :: module not loaded
Safe Mode :: OFF
copy access :: OK

Additional System Information:

System: FreeBSD 4.11-YAHOO-20060316 FreeBSD 4.11-YAHOO-20060316 #0: i386
Configure Command: './configure' '--prefix=/usr' '--enable-fastcgi' '--with-config-file-path=/usr/lib/php' '--enable-memory-limit' '--enable-bcmath' '--enable-calendar' '--enable-exif' '--enable-mbstring=all' '--enable-mbregex' '--with-curl' '--with-dom' '--with-dom-xslt' '--with-gdbm' '--with-gettext' '--with-iconv' '--with-gd' '--with-jpeg-dir' '--with-png-dir' '--with-tiff-dir' '--with-xpm-dir=/usr/X11R6' '--with-zlib-dir' '--with-ttf' '--with-freetype-dir' '--with-t1lib' '--enable-gd-native-ttf' '--with-mcrypt' '--with-mhash' '--with-mime-magic' '--with-ming' '--with-openssl' '--with-pspell' '--with-regex' '--enable-wddx' '--with-xmlrpc' '--enable-xslt' '--with-xslt-sablot' '--with-zip' '--disable-posix'
PHP version: 4.3.11
register_globals: ON
magic_quotes_gpc: ON
magic_quotes_runtime: OFF
allow_url_fopen: ON
sockets_support: N/A

write: server
move: copy

Selected settings:
write: server
move: copy
ftp dir: /
ftp host: localhost
ftp port: 21
ftp debug: false
ftp ext: fsock
ftp cache: false

CWD Listing:

Code: Select all

drwxrwxr-x . 
drwxrwxr-x .. 
-rw-rw-r-- easymod_display_functions.php 
-rw-rw-r-- easymod_install.php 
drwxrwxr-x em_includes 
-rw-rw-r-- easymod.gif 
drwxrwxr-x includes 
drwxrwxr-x languages 
drwxrwxr-x templates 
-rwxrwxrwx post_process.bat 

Not testing FTP since it is not being used.

Please let me know. Thanks!

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Posts: 7219
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Location: Florida, US

Re: Could not successfully update table. Install cannot complete

Post by Nightrider »

adslpx wrote: Does this mean my install is OK?

No, it doesn't sound like EM was able to access your database so it is possible that EM wasn't fully installed. Did you try the EM install again today? It is possible that your database was down for a second when EM tried to access it this morning...

I'm a bit concerned about your file and folder permissions too. Did you set your folder permissions to 775 and file permissions to 664 or does your host software do that automatically. If these settings are a host requirement, the EM files will probably need to be adjusted to work correctly on your site. If you are responsible for those settings, you probably want to change the folder permissions back to 755 and file permissions to 644...

