Further more some of the methods require re-formating the code.
We should also be ensuring that all the svgs are standardizes and properly optimized https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q ... pBPUOpjx7w
to simplify things I recommend a build step this way all the svgs can be included in the repo as a normal img would be. (There will still need to be some guidelines). This at least gives us a similar structure we are used to.
The build step would insure inclusion would all work the same way and remove all http requests.
How it would all work
folder would contain a new folder called icons
This folder would then have sub folders for each unique image set for example
Code: Select all
The build step which I will explain in more detail later would essentially create an "svg definitons(sprite)" file with the same name as the folder.
Code: Select all
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" class="social-icons" style="position: absolute; width: 0; height: 0;">
<symbol id="contact-menu" viewBox="0 0 24 24">
<path fill-rule="evenodd" d="M6 22v-4H4c-1.103 0-2-.897-2-2V4c0-1.104.897-2 2-2h16c1.103 0 2 .896 2 2v12c0 1.103-.897 2-2 2h-8.667L6 22zM4 4h16v12h-9.333L8 18v-2H4V4zm3 7.25a1.25 1.25 0 1 0 0-2.5 1.25 1.25 0 0 0 0 2.5zm5 0a1.25 1.25 0 1 0 0-2.5 1.25 1.25 0 0 0 0 2.5zm5 0a1.25 1.25 0 1 0 0-2.5 1.25 1.25 0 0 0 0 2.5z"/>
<symbol id="phpbb_facebook" viewBox="0 0 24 24">
<path fill="#3B5999" fill-rule="evenodd" d="M22 5.333A3.335 3.335 0 0 0 18.667 2H5.333A3.335 3.335 0 0 0 2 5.333v13.334A3.335 3.335 0 0 0 5.333 22h6.654v-6.66L10 15.333V12l1.993.007L12 9.333c0-1.04.747-2.666 2.667-2.666h.253c3.1 0 3.047.006 3.047.006v3.334H15.94s-.64.006-.64.666v1.334L17.333 12v3.333h-2V22h3.334A3.335 3.335 0 0 0 22 18.667V5.333z"/>
each of the icons would be given an id in this file with the filename of the icon without the extension obviously
then we could simply use the icons like so
Code: Select all
<svg class="o-icon" aria-hidden="true">
<use xlink:href="#new"></use>
<svg class="o-icon" aria-label="username Online">
<use xlink:href="#online"></use>
is the reference to the icon to loadThe two examples above differ in that for icons that have labels we want to hide from screen readers by adding the
For icons that do not have labels we need to provide proper labels via tooltips for screen readers by using
aria-label="text goes here"
not exactly sure where the best place to render these too would be possibly the main icons dir...can be worked out later.
The build setup
to handle this I am proposing we use gulp and node as they are well tested and used for this in countless projects.
we would mainly be leveraging svgmin & svgstore
svgmin - runs svgo for optimization based on an rc file
svgstore - builds a defs/sprite file
This would require 2 or three locations
Development version of icons
Production version of icons
Sprite location
we could also just overwrite the icons instead of breaking it out. But this is not a very clean approach.
Rules & Guidelines
- Names for the icon need to be standardized and scrutinized. No spaces/camelcase/underscores...Only
delimited - If the icon is to be styled via css link it needs no fill rules. (Single color icons are best if you wish duatone is possible via opacity attributes)
Code: Select all
<symbol id="phpbb_icq" viewBox="0 0 24 24"> <g fill-rule="evenodd"> <path d="M9.2 2.983c-.615-.136-1.12-.082-1.65.192-.589.355-.925.9-1.065 1.665-.14.791 0 1.556.42 2.32l.196.273-.672-.219c-.84-.191-1.624-.082-2.407.327-.812.41-1.316.983-1.652 1.775-.308.764-.28 1.502.112 1.26.6l.196.055-.42.354c-.392.329-.616.738-.756 1.147-.14.491-.084.982.196 1.447. 1.26.137 1.96-.081l-.505.819-.14.355c-.28.873-.196 1.637.224 2.428.196.301.42.574.644.82.336.3.756.49 1.26.627.84.219 1.68.192 2.492-.218.784-.41 1.288-1.065 1.54-1.884l.028-.164c.531.573 1.036.955 1.596 1.12.136 1.623-.19.477-.274.812-.738.98-1.311.14-.6.14-1.201 0-1.883. 1.68.245 2.463-.164.757-.409 1.26-1.065 1.512-1.911.225-.819.168-1.61-.252-2.374l-.14-.219c-.223-.327-.448-.655-.783-.873-.28-.191-.616-.328-.924-.465.868-.409 1.484-.982 1.764-1.719.195-.6.14-1.092-.14-1.583v-.055c-.336-.546-.784-.9-1.484-1.091-.42-.082-.896-.082-1.315-.055l-.925.191.309-.682c.28-.873.196-1.72-.28-2.511l-.084-.136c-.42-.683-1.036-1.092-1.876-1.31-.867-.219-1.68-.136-2.463.272-.784.41-1.344 1.038-1.596 1.857v.054l-.028.192-.112-.191-.28-.493C10.46 3.584 9.9 3.175 9.2 2.984zm7.14 1.638c. 3.743 0 0 1-.419.82l-2.52 3.002c-.251-.19-.532-.327-.812-.464l-.28-3.084-.029-1.092.029-.273c.14-.545.531-.955 1.036-1.228a1.925 1.925 0 0 1 1.595-.137c.588.137 1.009.437 1.26.901zm-8.68.546c.029-.491.225-.819.56-1.01.168-.136.42-.136.644-.027.504.136.923.491 1.26 3.22-.42.137-2.49-2.648-.14-.272c-.224-.492-.364-.955-.308-1.447zM6.15 8.361l.756.3L9.37 10.41a2.374 2.374 0 0 0-.448.818l-4.031.492-.28-.055c-.504-.082-.84-.3-1.064-.71-.224-.409-.224-.819-.056-1.228.196-.519.56-.928 1.092-1.147.503-.273 1.007-.355 1.567-.219zm11.394.026c.504-.218.98-.273 1.484-.218.477.054.812.273.98.6l.112.355-.056.273c-.196.492-.616.873-1.315 1.174-.28.136-.588.191-.924.245l-3.443.41-.056-.192-.056-.081.112-.136 2.828-2.293.334-.136zm-7.139 2.594a1.94 1.94 0 0 1 1.316-.491c.504 0 .98.191 1.288.491.392.383.56.792.56 1.283 0 .49-.168.955-.56 1.283-.364.354-.784.545-1.288.545-.532 0-.98-.191-1.316-.546a1.712 1.712 0 0 1-.56-1.282c0-.491.196-.9.56-1.283zm.644 3.958c.056.928.14 1.91.28 2.976v1.091l-.028.273c-.196.491-.532.901-1.036 1.12a2.052 2.052 0 0 1-1.54.19c-.56-.136-.98-.463-1.203-.9-.14-.273-.253-.6-.253-.928l.14-.627a1.49 1.49 0 0 1 .42-.765l2.351-2.73c.281.136.561.273.87.3zm2.156-.355l1.176 1.174.727.873.14.273c.252.465.392.901.336 1.42-.055.491-.224.846-.56.983-.196.136-.42.136-.644.109-.531-.136-.951-.546-1.26-1.201l-.335-.9-.42-2.376.477-.163.363-.192zm1.26-1.692l3.163-.273 1.12-.027.28.027c.42.136.812.382 1.037.791.28.301.42.71.42 1.174l-.085.546c-.14.546-.476.955-.951 1.174-.504.273-1.009.327-1.569.136a1.384 1.384 0 0 1-.755-.436l-2.94-2.375.196-.409.084-.329z"/> <path opacity=".5" d="M11.72 10.49c.504 0 .98.191 1.288.491.392.383.56.792.56 1.283 0 .49-.168.955-.56 1.283-.364.354-.784.545-1.288.545-.532 0-.98-.191-1.316-.546a1.712 1.712 0 0 1-.56-1.282c0-.491.196-.9.56-1.283a1.94 1.94 0 0 1 1.316-.491z"/> </g> </symbol>