Ability to decide to stay logged in after logging in w/o having to log back out

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Ability to decide to stay logged in after logging in w/o having to log back out

Post by imkingdavid »

I sometimes forget to check the "Remember me" option on the login screen, though I usually always want to remain logged in. I think it would be beneficial to add a new option, perhaps on this page in the UCP that will allow me to set the cookie that would otherwise be set initially on login.

Basically, the way I envision it is that on that page it will check to see if the cookie that keeps you logged in is set in this browser. If not, it allows you to click a button to have it set it. If it is, it says so and lets you know that you can remove it by removing the login key in the list below it.

It might also be beneificial to somehow highlight the key that is set for the current browser/IP address (however that is handled) in the list so the user knows which one to remove or keep.

This basically keeps me from having to log out right away and log back in and remember to check the box. I sometimes move through the form too quickly and miss the box multiple times in a row. :oops:

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Re: Ability to decide to stay logged in after logging in w/o having to log back out

Post by Oleg »

This will also allow someone else to convert your timed login session into an infinite login session after you leave the computer.

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Re: Ability to decide to stay logged in after logging in w/o having to log back out

Post by imkingdavid »

How about having to type your password again when doing this?

Although, then again, that's not much different than just logging out and back in. Never mind I guess. :/
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Re: Ability to decide to stay logged in after logging in w/o having to log back out

Post by Ger »

I was initially going to suggest to move this to the rejected RFC forum, but then an alternative came to mind. :)

Would it work to create an option in the UCP:
Default remember login
This would result in a boolean (default false) for the checkbox "Log me on automatically each visit" on or off. That way someone like imkingdavid can check this once and only has to uncheck at login when he's on a public computer.
Above message may contain errors in grammar, spelling or wrongly chosen words. This is because I'm not a native speaker. My apologies in advance.

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Re: Ability to decide to stay logged in after logging in w/o having to log back out

Post by John P »

We had this problem and people were complaining so I checked the checkedbox in the template.

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Re: Ability to decide to stay logged in after logging in w/o having to log back out

Post by Frug »

What about an option in their profile to default the box to checked? I know i'd use it :)

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Re: Ability to decide to stay logged in after logging in w/o having to log back out

Post by imkingdavid »

I am moving this to rejected and will begin a new RFC with the other idea presented in this topic.

Frug wrote:What about an option in their profile to default the box to checked? I know i'd use it :)
How would it know what your profile option is set to if you're not logged in?
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Re: Ability to decide to stay logged in after logging in w/o having to log back out

Post by imkingdavid »

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Re: Ability to decide to stay logged in after logging in w/o having to log back out

Post by DavidIQ »

This was rejected already so you won't see it in the core regardless. See the post above yours however.

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