Despite the massive advances in 3.1 with extensions, it lacks one usability feature. There is no way to upload extensions/update easily without using FTP. Also it would be quite nice to add the ability to install extensions directly without downloading them from
One of main reasons that composer was created by naderman was to be used for dependency management for phpBB - extensions and our dependencies.
We currently already use composer for our dependencies, so its a matter of adapting it to allow dependencies to be involved.
Titania would adapted to use statis and be the default repository, others could be added in the ACP interface or via CLI (I'm sure a shell script will be developed and put in develop/ adding multiple ISTs repositories).
As I recently desribed on the composer mailing list here the issue is that editing the composer.json and composer.lock would be conflicts between issues such as the hash.
This leaves us two possible options:
- We seperate phpBB lib from the application
We have a single composer.json in the root of the application, which will include"require": { "phpbb/phpbb": "3.1.0" }
. This would also make updating phpBB possibly a lot easier with regards to adding automated updating. Then add extensions/styles to this json file. This is along the lines of what symfony and drupal do. - Add functionality to composer to store deps in the DB
This makes things easier to manage as we then don't have to edit files; however we do need to built the functionality of storing extension dependencies inside a database.
NB: This will most likely not be added until 3.2, but I'm going to start at least having a look at it now (and developing) meaning it could be ready for 3.1; depending on when 3.1 alpha is released.