One of the things that we are getting rid of is the function eval() in the phpBB php core. But I still can't find if you are planning to get rid of eval in js too.
My proposal is to remove all eval in javascript.
The problems that stands out
The first this that stands out is the
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Code: Select all
I'll also leave the third that stands out.
Code: Select all
eval('parent = document.' + id);
What to do, then?
My proposal is to get rid of all these needless eval() (all eval that I found don't even need to be there).
The easiest to show what I mean is use:
Code: Select all
parent = document[id];
Code: Select all
eval('parent = document.' + id);
Code: Select all
-> If this is accepted I can do that job myself.
Proposed to appear in phpbb 3.1 or in a next phpbb 3.0.*